View Full Version : Feeling of food getting stuck

28-02-18, 21:25
Hi. For a couple of weeks now I’m finding that sometimes when I swallow it’s tsking longer for a complete swallow and the food isn’t getting stuck it’s just taking a couple of swallows to get it down. I have lpr, voice problems, excess mucous, no heartburn and globus now and again. Reading up from previous posts it looks as though this is fairly common. I’ve had the nasal camera last year and all that showed up was slight redness and was put on lansoprazole amd gaviscon advance. It’s just this new swallowing problem. It’s not always there but when I’m aware of it it becomes worse. Just want d to know if anyone can relate. To say I’m scared stiff of an endoscope is an under statement. It’s the only thing that would put my mind at rest. If they could put me totally out then I would go tomorrow. Thanks for reading my post.

01-03-18, 00:01
I sometimes get the feeling that food is painful going down. It seems to be worse when my anxiety is bad . I have a small hiatus hernia and sometimes gerd.
Please don't worry if you need an endoscopy. I was petrified but you can have sedation and it's fine. It's over very quickly too. Best wishes , Ruth

01-03-18, 02:51
I had that feeling with GERD. When I got my anxiety under control, the GERD went away, and I haven't had it since *knocks on wood*

01-03-18, 12:41
Thank you Ruth for your reassurance. It’s good to hear from both of you that anxiety plays a big part of it as I’ve been anxious for quite a number of years. It’s juat the awareness of the swallowing now where as before I never thought about it. It’s all annoying just want to get on with my life without having to worry about it.

04-03-18, 13:28
Yes, yes, yes. I’ve had stomach problems on and off for 6 weeks and after Googling I seemed to adopt this symptom too. It could be related to my gastritis but think it’s more likely to just be another symptom of anxiety.