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View Full Version : Treatment Success Without Medication?

01-03-18, 00:32
Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone has had success with Anxiety/Health Anxiety treatment without medication. I am in no way against medication, I was on Zoloft with therapy after having Postpartum a few years ago. It worked great!

The reason I am asking is because my anxiety/HA is starting to return and I want to avoid medication while trying to conceive a baby.

If you have had success would you please tell me what worked, and after how long?

Thank you VERY much!!

01-03-18, 00:39
im pretty much against medication. chemicals. what did people use 200 years ago who had anxiety? I used to take lorazepam and ya it worked, but I just don't think long term usage is good. I drink a tea with green tea and ginger and it seems to work fine. I used to drink valerian tea. Alternatively, exercise and diet (plus vitamin d/sun) works too

01-03-18, 01:11
Hi there! I don’t do meds. I don’t have anything morally against them, but I’m a huge pharmaphobe - doc tried to put me on a 10 mg dose of Citalopram. Took one and had a massive panic attack within about an hour of taking the first pill. Biggest one I’ve ever had. As a result — no meds for me.

As far as how I coped, I’m not sure really. I stalked this forum religiously. Not searching posts for others with my symptoms, but just reading posts in general and responding if I had anything helpful to say. It was more about distraction really. Deep breathing techniques helped me, and I downloaded a “thunderstorm” app from the App Store. It relaxes me lol. It takes time, and lots of positive thinking and reassurance. Just keep telling yourself that “it’s only anxiety, it can’t hurt me”.

01-03-18, 01:44
Ahhh, I’m on the same road! Same situation, I was talking to someone on here early about this. I had PPA IN 2016 after my son. I refused medication and went the counselin route because that is what I did in the time leading up to my son. We had a long 49 month treck to pregnancy and I was on infertility drugs so I didn’t want to mix those with anxiety meds. Counseling helped then, but I only had panic attacks. I didn’t have long term anxiety or physical symptoms that lingered. Just panic attacks, scary, terrifying panic attacks...but they weren’t usually close together so that helped ALOT!
After I miscarried I think I started with HA. Then 2015 was a wild year for me and it probably contributed to my anxiety in a more permanent state. Anyway, after a brick went crashing through my window at 3:07am at 19 weeks pregnant I started to have panic attacks every night at that same time. They called it PTSD, but I feel bad saying that. I feel like it wasn’t as serious an issue to be labeled that. Moving on.
My son was born and developed colic, he lost a 23oz in two and a half days, my milk didn’t come in and I was stubborn as heck-so I refused to give up trying to breastfeed. (I did give him supplements because he needed it until my milk came in and we had a good flow) being stressed about not being able to breastfeed or get it right and a crying baby all the time created a mess of PPA. I saw my OB monthly and then started seein a counselor once colic subsided, I began staying home with him, and we moved so a few less things were up in the air. I didn’t feel much relief with my counselor though. I did, but not long term. Basically only until the next week or so, but I only saw him every two weeks.
Now, just since the holidays I’ve been a mess.
I’m seeing a counselor weekly as of the beginning of Feb.
I started meditation daily, or multiple times if I have more time using the Calm app.
I talk on here, I post if I have something I’m incredibly concerned about, but mostly I like to respond because I feel helpful and that helps me feel better too, by way of distraction.
I walk 30min with my son outside.
I play on the patio with him, getting creative just soaking up the vitamin D (cautiously bc Melanoma is a fear-warranted-my mother is stage 4. BUT if anyone is triggered by that, she’ll be three years disease free in three months!)
I read, funny books-Furiously Happy is a funny book about anxiety. DARE-A new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks, is what I’m currently reading now. I also read mom books-The Magic of Motherhood made me so happy and Chapter 26 hit anxiety on the head for me as a mother. (It’s not all about anxiety-it’s sweet mommy stuff really.) Emily Ley-Grace Not Perfection, talks about everyday life in general as well mom and a hint of anxiety and she shares what her doctor told her to do.
Baths-Sprinkle some Epsom salt with lavender or eucalyptus or pink Himalayan salt and light some candles.
I also do some of the CBT posted here in the red links.
I like to cook so I do that, and bake.
I don’t watch the news, by personal preference I only listen to music on my phone.
I stick to social media groups and not mainstream because people post old stuff without realizing it and it creates more anxiety for me. I also don’t like that everyone with a phone is trying to be a reporter, so I limit my time there.
I also was just introduced to tapping-EFT by Roger Callahan. It’s odd at first and I’m still learning, but I think it might be helping.
Find positive words you like and say them out loud to yourself at least five times a day, the same ones.
I’m finding relief but it’ll take time. Some days are good and some days are bad. I apply the tips above the bad days and stay the course on the good days.
Sorry this is really long, but I hope it helps.

01-03-18, 01:55
I find strenous (but not insane!) exercise is good for at least a few hours of no panic time.

I love to jog (can't "run" anymore) for an hour - it really clears you out, mentally, of those nervous, negativethoughts.

Another "trick" I'm trying is to just clear the mind and see how long I can hold it with NO thinking. I was trying a mantra meditation - saying a word or phrase over and over to block out negative thoughts and that works for a while but is very hard to do- maybe I will try a combo platter of no thoughts and the mantra.

If you can find a good self hypnosis tape that can be very good. A guy with a low, very soothing type voice can be effective.

01-03-18, 02:15
I am currently having extremely good experiences in recovering from HA without medication. Getting good sleep is very important, so I would say using a melatonin or even Benadryl occasionally to sleep is important. The psychiatrist I am seeing says sleep is one of the most Important tools to help anxiety. I also exercise pretty strenuously for an hour or so per day. I take b vitamins and make sure to gets lots of fiber, fruits, and veggies. I am also in CBT right now. I’ve had docs try and put me on ssris many times, but I’ve resisted thus far.

01-03-18, 08:55
I’m recovered and I never used meds. I did see a psychiatrist for more than 2 years though. I also have nothing against meds but no one should ever tell you that they are a necessary prerequisite to recovery.