View Full Version : Panic over road rage

01-03-18, 17:02
Last night, around 11:10 p.m., when my sister and I were driving home from work, we were behind a car that was going well under the speed limit. So when we tried getting around them, they sped up so we couldn't. But, when we got back behind them, they went slow again. So my sister kept on him, but he eventually pulled over and we went around him. Then, he got behind us and he was tailing us with his brights on - and we're going really fast to try and shake him, but he just kept on us. When we were getting closer to town, he turned his brights off, and he kept his distance. We got into town - not a very large town - about 4,000 people, and we thought we lost him. But, when we turned down our road, we thought the same car turned as well, but I don't know if it was him or not. However, we didn't drive to my house just in case, instead we drove to my sister's place with underground parking.

We didn't see any sight of the car when we got to her place, and since her car is underground, he can't see it even if he drove by.

But, I'm still shaken up about the whole thing, and I'm actually having panic attacks because of it. We didn't think to call the police, but we were both terrified, and I'm still shaken up. What should I do? The town isn't very large, so it concerns me that he'll know where she lives if he sees her car.

02-03-18, 20:00
Like, I am panicking still because what if he remembered our plates, and he can figure out where we live.

I had a panic attack at work last night, and I literally cannot stop thinking about it. I'm shaky, my heart is racing, I'm a mess. Has anyone else had a problem like this?

30-03-18, 19:32
Now, last night around 1 in the morning, myself and my brother in law were driving back to my house and of course there’s a car on the road driving in the opposite direction, and it looked kind of like the same car that was failing my sister and I a month ago. The car turned around and was parked at an apartment complex, which they could very well live there, but we were driving in the same car that my sister and I were driving that night. And we turned down the street I live in because I was going home. The car didn’t follow us, so they wouldn’t know which house I live at, but they would know which street I live on of course. When my brother in law drove back to his place, the car was still on, but it hadn’t moved.

And today, the car wasn’t parked there anymore, so my sister wasn’t able to see if it was the same one. She said I’m being paranoid, but I can’t help it. I’m panicking all over again, and it’s terrifying me.

30-03-18, 20:02
Let it go. They probably have. If it ever happens again, call 911 immediately and report it. They take aggressive drivers seriously.

08-04-18, 17:40
Ugh, I wish I could just forget about it. It was over a month ago and it still creeps in my head every now and then. If I lived in a large city, I probably wouldn’t care as much to be quite honest. But I just don’t know if I’ll ever shake this…and that terrifies me.

16-04-18, 18:28
It’s starting to affect me every single day now. Every time I have to get in a car I start panicking. I’m still a mess even though I try to forget about it.

I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever be able to drive I a car the same again. :weep:

19-04-18, 15:07
Had a road rage incident this morning as I went to cross the road at an amber light a car tried to go past me on my bike, he hurled abuse at me and proceeded to park his car up and threaten me.

19-06-18, 20:56
I don’t know why, but it popped back in my head again today and I’m panicking. The incident was 3 and a half months ago, but it just keeps creeping back in my mind. It’s like I’m paranoid about them seeing us again, or them planning something and waiting awhile before they do it. I can’t get over this, and I feel like I will never be okay again. :weep:

13-12-18, 18:47
The fear popped back in my head because I saw a car that looked like the one that was mentioned in the aforementioned posts. It was driving down the street while I was walking, and I normally wouldn’t think anything of it. Then about 30 seconds later I saw it again, but going the other way down the road and it turned away out of sight down the street. This initial incident was about 9.5 months ago, and it will never leave I’m afraid. Should I worry still? Because I feel like for some reason I’m on edge because of it. ��

13-12-18, 18:58
It was a long time ago this happened, and if this person knew where you were and had some malicious intent they would have found you by now. There is no threat, I'm sure. That night,it was an idiot, driving in an intimidating way (seeing two young women in your car?!). By the way, never alter your driving and speed up or drive differently if this happens again - its hard I know as when vans tailgate you you want to get away too. However, you must not drive in a way that puts you at risk -stay calm - turn around and take a picture of the vehicle if you can with the number plate and ring the police.

13-12-18, 19:18
I talk to my mom about it and she said that I should just forget about it. It’s hard to do for someone like me though. I don’t think they saw me though, just my sister, but I’m a male, not that it would’ve made a difference to them.

13-12-18, 19:23
Its horrible, intimidating and just someone looking for 'kicks' by scaring people. They will have forgotten about it themselves, and have probably been off annoying and bullying other people on the roads - maybe they were under the influence of alchohol or drugs even? Maybe they have been reported since then, to the police, for doing it to other people? I know it sounds really frightening, and it would have really scared me too, but this person isn't looking for you.....really...

14-12-18, 17:24
I just don't know why this incident is staying in my mind. It causes me to panic, and it can be debilitating. I had my moments when it would leave my mind, but it's staying around now. I just wish this had never happened, and my sister's driving is the same. I just have this mindset that even though it's been 9 and a half months since the incident, someone is still gonna do something. :weep:

I've had intense moments in my life, and honestly most of the negative thoughts associated with them have dissipated. But, for some reason, this is sticking around...maybe because I couldn't control anything.