View Full Version : Without This Forum

01-03-18, 18:13
Hi Everyone I don't know if I'm in the right spot for this but here goes.

I've been a member since 2010 and when I first found this forum I was a wreck, suffered my first full blown Panic Attack in August of that year and was diagnosed with such at 42yrs old. I just came from a 4 yr awful relationship with finding out I was cheated on to then meeting a wonderful woman at the time who partially stuck by my side during this part of my life but my disorder became to much for her effecting our relationship, no violence involved or verbal abuse, I just wasn't my happy go lucky self that I was when we met and never wanted to do anything always stayed in my room while during this time doing treatment ( medication **Cipralex**) trying to get better, nothing was working for me. I could only think of my life is done (never suicidal thought) just it would never be the same, I'd never be that person I was or so I was convinced in thinking at that time that I wouldn't be

Skipping ahead by about 2yrs, the girl I loved so much left, then shortly after I lost my best friend in the world to Cancer (my cat) and here I was alone again to face these demons with trying to balance a full time job and my home going back on Cipralex (took myself off these after several months back in 2010)

After many years of battling my Anxiety and Panic Attacks (because im certain i got them when i was a child and just wasnt recognized) it was around 2016 I just decided to take my life back I had enough, I was unfortunate I lost my relationship during this time due to my illness but I never lost the will to fight, I decided to take myself off all medications (Not recommending anyone does this without speaking to their caregiver) this was something I just did on my own. I had nowhere to go accept forward!

I wanna say that even though this may not be considered a full success I felt I've been very successful in going from panic attacks every single day sometimes 2 or 3 times a day and waking up with them or sorry I should say them waking me up, to not going outside my front door to now and this is why I say may not be fully successful but to now having a panic attack maybe one every 9 or 10 months where it gets me out of my sleep and I can't catch it on time( I have a routine I do if I feel it coming on) which was/is my key to succession, also not been on any meds since 2012 when I went on Cipralex and then weeks later took myself off never to look back (once again not recommending this, it only worked for me) I'm out doing what I wanna do day in and day out! I got to the point where I just don't care anymore I wasn't going to let this run my life.

The reason I wanted to share my story wasn't to brag in any way at all, it was simply shared to say please don't give up your fight when things are at their worse, because once you fight back to take control over your disorder with Anxiety and your winning, it's a great great feeling and if I can do it anyone I feel can only because I know how low I felt and down and out I was.

With that all said, I wish everyone well and succession on this journey, this forum was also a key to my succession and the ppl who come here.

Just a quick update to all this..

1. No Cat still, can't do it after 4yrs

2. No relationship still can do it but that's how it goes (lol)

3. Still Have my house and job

4. The most important of all its now Feb of 2018 and Panic Attack free for many months

Thanks for listening, once again I'm no medical proffesional I only found what worked for me and if I can help or give advice (as I generally do daily in my life) to just one person out there whom suffers from the same thing I do I feel it's a step in the right direction for both, I learn as I teach


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01-03-18, 19:13
Well Done Estranged, its not easy, infact it can be the hardest thing you ever do to get yourself out of a deep hole like that. I commend you on the effort you have put in, and the great results. It was worth it right, and you were worth it. :D:D:D

01-03-18, 20:12
Well Done Estranged, its not easy, infact it can be the hardest thing you ever do to get yourself out of a deep hole like that. I commend you on the effort you have put in, and the great results. It was worth it right, and you were worth it. :D:D:DThanks Carys , when you finally get there and see where you were and the ppl you've helped along the way as well being help....yes it was all definitely worth it.

Thank You

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