View Full Version : anyone got this?

08-07-07, 12:27
Hello there, i understand all about globus hystericus and anxiety and all but i think this is different. I would like you opions and to know if anyone has this symptom please.
For the past two weeks i have felt as though i was going to get laryngitis. My throat at the front, voice box, hurts on and off and my voice, i think, has gotten more gruff. But the real problem is the feelings and sensations that come with it too. I feel as though my whole throat at the front, under my chin and around my jaw line is swollen and hanging very large. When i look in the mirror, it isn't, but it feels like it. If i pull my neck and head back, creating 'turkey neck', then obviously it is big, but other than that it looks ok. But it feels massive and as if everyone can see it bulging out. It feels like there is something there, but when i feel it i cannot feel anything at all. I also get that sensation when you suck a lemon/orange or eat sherbet, in my cheeks. It seems to be there all the time and won't go. I am obviously not coming down with anything as this has been going on for two weeks and i would have got the bug by now if that is what it is. I have had my thyroid checked a few months ago and that was fine. I haven't been doing anything differently. I can eat, when i feel like it, and sometimes my throat feels very dry and the food takes a couple of swollows to get it down. But it doesn't feel like there is an obstruction IN my throat, just around the front of it, like someone has got there hands around it and squeezing it.
But i have noticed that just lately i am having this again and it is sheer panic that i just cannot swollow. Even if i have food in my mouth it just feels like i have suddenly lost the ability to swollow it down. My mouth and tongue won't go through the motions at all. I know that this could be down to anxiety.
This feeling that i have got is like the feeling you get in your throat when you are trying to stop yourself from crying. Or if you have been crying for ages and your throat muscles, at the front of your neck, on the outside not the inside, hurt or are strained.
And over the past week i have done more crying, bad times this week. Do you think that this has made things worse and it is the muscles that i can feel or what? Just wanted to know if anyone else has this parculiar feeling at all. I have looked up globus hystericus on this site and i know that i do share a few of the feelings, but i know it isn't exactly that, it is different. Any ideas please.
And another thing, i have recently had my results from my MRI scans and they said they were clear, but what i wondered way, if there was a cancer or a growth in my neck would an mri have shown this up at all? If so then i know there is nothing there and it is all in my mind. Thankyou.

10-07-07, 06:58
I don't know about any of the rest, but I can tell you for certain that an MRI
of your neck would definately have shown if you had a growth in your neck. I can tell you this because it's my job!

10-07-07, 18:22
Oh thankyou so much. So if there had been anything there at the front of my neck, anything at all, the mri would have picked this up? Oh i feel so much better, i wonder what this horrible feeling could be then. It is a nasty feeling, like someones got there hands round my throat all round my jaw line. Strange, but then again, so am i.
Thanks again for the reassurance on that.xx

10-07-07, 21:58
Hi Angie,

I used to get that exact same feeling all the time.

Now listen - it is just another symptom of anxiety and it won't hurt you.

Remember when you were little and your mum told you it was ok and you believed her and it went away? Well, this is just the same. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel, but it will be fine and you will be ok. Just the anxiety playing its tricks. Don't give it any more thought and in a day or two you'll realise its gone away on its own.

Eeb x

02-08-07, 08:37
I dont know about globus whatever.. but I do know that I feel this alot ...its called major tension and well it goes away..Just try to relax get your doctor to give you some antidepressants or something like a valium or just try to relax thats the biggest key..dont hold your head at odd angles and dont try to talk to much when you are feeling tense and just try more than anything to relax relax relax..same as all of us..we all feel what you do and its called anxiety..anxiety breeds anxiety ..let go stop worrying and well easier said than done ,just say lm letting go .I feel at peace and not going to worry anymore whatever will be will be .. Michael

Hello there, i understand all about globus hystericus and anxiety and all but i think this is different. I would like you opions and to know if anyone has this symptom please.
For the past two weeks i have felt as though i was going to get laryngitis. My throat at the front, voice box, hurts on and off and my voice, i think, has gotten more gruff. But the real problem is the feelings and sensations that come with it too. I feel as though my whole throat at the front, under my chin and around my jaw line is swollen and hanging very large. When i look in the mirror, it isn't, but it feels like it. If i pull my neck and head back, creating 'turkey neck', then obviously it is big, but other than that it looks ok. But it feels massive and as if everyone can see it bulging out. It feels like there is something there, but when i feel it i cannot feel anything at all. I also get that sensation when you suck a lemon/orange or eat sherbet, in my cheeks. It seems to be there all the time and won't go. I am obviously not coming down with anything as this has been going on for two weeks and i would have got the bug by now if that is what it is. I have had my thyroid checked a few months ago and that was fine. I haven't been doing anything differently. I can eat, when i feel like it, and sometimes my throat feels very dry and the food takes a couple of swollows to get it down. But it doesn't feel like there is an obstruction IN my throat, just around the front of it, like someone has got there hands around it and squeezing it.
I remember when i was very little, sitting on my mums knee and telling her that i could not swollow at all. She told me i was fine, as they do, and it was nothing. And i don't remember having any more trouble. But i have noticed that just lately i am having this again and it is sheer panic that i just cannot swollow. Even if i have food in my mouth it just feels like i have suddenly lost the ability to swollow it down. My mouth and tongue won't go through the motions at all. I know that this could be down to anxiety.
This feeling that i have got is like the feeling you get in your throat when you are trying to stop yourself from crying. Or if you have been crying for ages and your throat muscles, at the front of your neck, on the outside not the inside, hurt or are strained.
I did do some singing, haven't for a while, last sunday at a gig. And over the past week i have done more crying, bad times this week. Do you think that this has made things worse and it is the muscles that i can feel or what? Just wanted to know if anyone else has this parculiar feeling at all. I have looked up globus hystericus on this site and i know that i do share a few of the feelings, but i know it isn't exactly that, it is different. Any ideas please.
And another thing, i have recently had my results from my MRI scans and they said they were clear, but what i wondered way, if there was a cancer or a growth in my neck would an mri have shown this up at all? If so then i know there is nothing there and it is all in my mind. Thankyou.

04-08-07, 23:30
Thankyou so much and nice to hear from you again, glad you are feeling better now.xx