View Full Version : Feeling panicky all day today

02-03-18, 01:45
The last 2 weeks have been really bad for some reason, I've been clinching my jaw all day and constantly dizzy overwhelm feeling, I also had to go to the neurolgist today about possible epilepsy, any tips to help me calm down?

02-03-18, 12:26
Are you on medication? Perhaps you could have a benzodiazepine for a 3-5 days till you feel more settled down. If you try and analyse what has been happening in the past couple of weeks/months that might have upset you, you might be able to help yourself feel better... or alternatively, there could be something in the future you're fearful about.

Hopefully things are ok regarding your physical health.

02-03-18, 12:56
Are you on medication? Perhaps you could have a benzodiazepine for a 3-5 days till you feel more settled down. If you try and analyse what has been happening in the past couple of weeks/months that might have upset you, you might be able to help yourself feel better... or alternatively, there could be something in the future you're fearful about.

Hopefully things are ok regarding your physical health.

Maybe it was about the EEG it came back abnormal but only mild he said but I've yet to have one so he's not overly concerned so I have to see a specialist soon but maybe that's what was making me nervous

03-03-18, 10:44
Oh no, I'm so sorry. :( I'm really hoping there's nothing wrong... It's perfectly understandable you're nervous and upset because of the EEG - anyone would be!

Please try and be calm and relax, do something you enjoy, give yourself a break from panicking. You'll see a specialist soon and you'll get your peace of mind. :)

03-03-18, 19:59
Oh no, I'm so sorry. :( I'm really hoping there's nothing wrong... It's perfectly understandable you're nervous and upset because of the EEG - anyone would be!

Please try and be calm and relax, do something you enjoy, give yourself a break from panicking. You'll see a specialist soon and you'll get your peace of mind. :)

Yah I guess that's true? But thanks for the advice :)