View Full Version : Daughter with eye troubles

02-03-18, 02:05
Hi all,

I've been a sufferer of HA for (at least) 7 years. It generally comes in cycles and I am now at one of my low points, pretty much constantly for the last couple of months.

I have recently (nearly a month ago) started seeing a psychiatrist who has put me on a battery of meds.

My anxieties always centre on my family, in particular my children, and them getting herpes in their eyes.

Last week I thought my daughters eye looked a bit red (looking back, it was really nothing) so I took her to the Dr's, who looked at both eyes by opening them up with her hand and said they looked fine. I noticed that the Dr had (what looked like) a cold sore.

Well, naturally, this has sent me even further into Anxietyville, and now my daughter has, over the last couple of days, been rubbing one eye and telling me it's itchy. It doesn't appear red or watery or anything, but I am quite literally in a state of despair at the moment.

I couldn't live with myself if anything happens to my daughter as result of my HA.

Any advise or help anyone could provide would be most appreciated.