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View Full Version : Scared myself into thinking I have DVT

02-03-18, 02:18
I've been suffering with flu for about a week now, so of course I've been in bed as much as possible feeling like death warmed up. Earlier tonight I moved my leg and noticed that it had gone dead - I know I don't have the best circulation and that sometimes happens, but it's usually the other leg or my arm if I've slept on it. So now I've convinced myself that I have DVT in this leg, and I'm utterly panicking. I've been fidgeting it a lot ever since, and my thigh of that leg is warmer than the other, but I've no idea if that's from messing with it so much or not. I get twinges in it now and again, which could be from prodding it or could be something worse... the only thing that really reassures me is that both legs look pretty much the same, and they're both equally soft (and admittedly in need of some good toning) as ever. Still not sure if I'm overreacting or if I should be worried...

02-03-18, 04:13
Oh my GOD! I can relate. The other day I saw a vein on my leg that seem to protrude more than normal and I thought, oh no, blood clot. It is so strange the way something so normal can get blow out of proportion so easily by the anxious mind.