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02-03-18, 13:47
My name is Rob and I have suffered with panic disorder since 2005.

In 2006 I began taking Citalopram which quelled my symptoms for many years.

In 2014 after a very bad experience at a new job I began suffering from attacks again, that broke through the citalopram 'barrier'.

Since then I have had beta blockers and diazepam on standby as PRN, but havent taken them as I developed coping mechanisms for most of the attacks.

They are starting to get unbearable now, to the point where I even wonder if they still are panic attacks.

This is what brings me here. To share my experiences to find out if others have similar symptoms, and what they do to help alleviate them.

Hope to speak soon.


02-03-18, 13:56
Hiya Never_Enough and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-03-18, 13:41
Good Morning Never_Enough

Being a longtime sufferer myself (20 years) I completely understand where you are coming from. Over the years once I got over one way panic would come at me, a new way of attacking me would show up. So yes that can happen.

In my course of treatment I take good old fashion Prozac (Fluoxetine 40mg). It has worked well for me over the years. I also take a small dosage of Buspirone 10mg three times a day. But what I think is the most important things I do are light exercise and mediation. I cannot stress how important these two things are in my routine.

Never_Enough, best to you on your journey. You'll discover NMP has some really good helps and is a great place to get stuff off your chest.