View Full Version : Concerned about ALS...or is it BFS?

02-03-18, 13:54
I’m trying to figure out if the OTC Nexium and Zantac I took briefly for ~10 days and suddenly stopped have been causing my issues described below. Firstly, I am a 45YO male, in excellent shape, going to the gym 3-4 days/week and getting ready for the upcoming cycling season. Every so often I get bouts of reflux which in the past my GI doc would Rx a script or two. The last time I took any PPI or suppressant was a few years ago.

I started having a flare ~3 weeks ago and grabbed some leftover generic Nexium (20mg) out of the cabinet. I took one a day for a few days or so, didn’t feel any better, so bought some zantac, 150mg and tried those. Basically over ~10days I was using one or the other. I did feel some relief then stopped, however after the first few days, my legs started feeling heavy and crampy as if I rode my bike hard, but I can tell this type of feeling was different. I chalked it up to a hard day of skiing and some stairstepper workout in the gym and didn’t think anything of it. Around the same time, I started getting a tricep twitch in the same spot that was firing almost non-stop for 2 weeks. I do have some health anxiety issues and thought it might be a gym injury, but in researching Dr. Google, I found some links to ALS. Anxiety went through the roof, and then I started getting twitches in other areas.

Saw my PCP and she indicated there is no weakness and didn’t recommend seeing a neurologist, although I’ve convinced her for my piece of mind to refer me to one.
I went to a massage therapist last weekend and she found a big knot in my tricep, rubbed it out (it hurt like heck) and the twitching tricep completely went away. My anxiety started to come down, but I still have these other mini muscle spasms in random places, but in the last week or so, mostly in the legs, quads, hamstrings and calves. Stomach has been off as well with some bouts of loose stool. Maybe anxiety related?

A few days off the PPIs, I also experienced a migraine and chills, but just for one night and only a couple hours. I never get migraines. I also started feeling depressed as if nothing matters and borderline panic attacks. So at this point, my major complaint is the nearly constant buzzing, spasms, crampiness in my legs with the occasional spasm/twitch in random places including my eyelid. These are most noticeable while at rest, sitting at my work cube or trying to fall asleep. It’s very frustrating and I am trying to make the connection of these issues to some sort of side effects of coming off the PPIs.

I’ve read a lot lately online about other people’s experiences and there are a lot of similarities, but I’d like to know, if these physical feelings if related to the PPIs will go away at some point. It’s been 3 wks since I stopped taking them and that’s the only thing different I’ve done as far as ingesting something. Prior to taking them, I felt fine. Epsom salt baths have helped but only for 30min or so. Blood tests, including Mag, CRP and CPK were normal. Anyways, my anxiety is probably contributing.

I have a Neuro appt, but not until the end of the month and my anxiety is killing me. The leg issues and feelings are the most worrisome. I've tried to calm myself by knowing that if it was something bad my tricep issue and weird feeling of weakness off and on would not have resolved itself. I'm pretty much over the arm thing, but have moved on to the legs because those are bothering me the most. Of course I keep testing my strength, doing leg lifts at gym or running up and down stairs at work and feel fine doing those things, but my mind is a mess. thanks.

04-03-18, 21:19
Anyone have any thoughts?

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05-03-18, 02:13
It sounds like you are starting on an HA spiral. Stop googling and checking and see if things feel better by your appointment if you don’t google or check. I’ll bet they will. HA is a tricky monster and you don’t have ALS. Anxiety is definitely causing your loose stools and twitching, as well as the emotional symptoms. Make a plan to stop the obsessional thought cycle and feel better. Hugs!

05-03-18, 14:51
You don't have ALS.. ALS is very rare, affecting less then 20,000 people in the US per year...

I do not know if those acid meds you took are the cause of your symptoms but muscle twitches are extremely common and there are tons of reasons why they happen..

Stop googling, Google is no friend to someone who suffers from health anxiety.

05-03-18, 16:16
Appreciate the comments, thanks. I've got an appointment next week to see a therapist

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