View Full Version : Fresh blood at end of period?

02-03-18, 15:32
I've been doing okay the last few days in terms of HA, but I began worrying again this morning :( I'm 22, on the pill (Yasmin) for three years, and I have a massive fear of everything cancer, but I worry especially about cervical cancer. I got the HPV vaccine when I was 18 which always reassured me for a good while, but just the fact that we have to wait until 25 to get smear tests in this country scares me so much. Plus I'm a full time student so I simply can't afford a private smear :( Anyways, it's happened two or three times over the course of the last two years where at day five out of my seven day period, when I'd usually always get "dried" blood (sorry TMI) I'd get a sudden bit of "fresh" red blood. It'd be nothing heavy and it hasn't happened for the last few periods, but why would the blood change from dried to fresh so suddenly? I asked my doctor when it last happened before Christmas, and she just gave me a, "oh, I don't know" kind of answer. I actually didn't even worry about this for months, but this morning it popped into my head again and now I'm worried :L So sorry for the long spiel, but I can't find anywhere online that talks about this. Has it happened to any of you ladies, or should I speak to my doctor again?

02-03-18, 15:34

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


02-03-18, 16:33

Please don't worry I am 45 and all through my life I had had periods like this at times . You thunk it nearly finished then get a last blast of fresh red blood . My last period I had this . Don't know why but it totally normal.


02-03-18, 16:41
I'm 49 and this has happened to me often through my reproductive years (which I'm hoping are close to coming to an end!). I think it's finished at the end of day 5 and day 6 or 7 (or now even 8) I get a bit more fresh red. Sometimes I can have 24 hours of literally nothing, then a bit more. I think it's something that happens for many people, and its bleeding between periods that is the concern, not at the end. Its just something to do with hormones being a bit different to usual, and the uterus taking a bit longer to clear itself.