View Full Version : GERD flareup

02-03-18, 15:50
Hi there,

I didn't know where to post this so I hope it's okay to post this here. Over the last two weeks I took a two week PPI break that I usually take for acid reflux to get tested for h pylori, which came back negative. However, somewhere around the last week of my PPI break I got a really bad hacking cough and really bad painful sore throat (which led to vomiting in the morning once - but that could have been a bad IBS flare as I get them). I put it down to possibly being either the acid reflux acting up or just a viral thing, but it persisted even after restarting the PPI, and then I went to the doctor as it's been going on for two and a half weeks and not clearing. He thinks it's my acid reflux acting up and suggested I go on Omeprazole and to switch from my Lansoprazole if it's not working.

The dosage he prescribed for me was 20mg twice a day, which I guess he suggested as I'm having bad symptoms also at night, but I have no idea if this is a usual dose and how to take it. Do I take them exactly 12 hours apart? It's a bit awkward for me to take them in the evening before dinner as that'd be less than 12 hours apart, unless I speak to the doctor again when I can and ask if I can take 40mg one a day, but then that kind of negates the whole point of taking them at night to eleviate the acid.

Has anyone taken 20mg twice a day? He said I could take it after food and it wouldn't matter but I've read the usual dose is 20mg once a day and usually taken before food. I'm just a bit confused about the best way to go forward as I don't want to overdose by taking the next dose before the 12 hour mark :unsure:

04-03-18, 13:24
Hi Lu,

I’m currently taking 20mg twice per day. I don’t take it at exact times: just one before midday and one before bedtime. It really helped with my gastritis symptoms for a few weeks but I’m having a relapse at the moment and am feeling sick with no appetite. But I’m going to continue taking the tablets as they have had a positive effect overall.

Don’t worry about when you take them - before or after food is fine. I know a lot of people who are taking, or have taken, them.