View Full Version : Anyone get speech problems?

02-03-18, 16:48
Hi All
Im new here. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post, reading posts has helped me so much see Im not alone. Anyway my question is regarding speech. Im obsessed I have a brain tumor as I suffer from 1 sided headaches that are mostly in my eye, temple but also travel to the back of my head. I calm down when they go away but then they come back. Iv been having extremly bad anxious thoughts the last one month and sometimes I cannot remember a word or how to spell something and it freaks me out totally like Im loosing my mind. Rationally I know that being so anxious could make me forgetful as Im so preoccupied but it would help to know this wasnt an unusual symptom. Thanks

02-03-18, 17:22
Hi there,

I can say I've always had headaches on one side mainly in my left temple and sometimes in the back of my head. This has been going on for over 5 years that I can remember. If it was a brain tumor I'm pretty sure it would have killed me by now. As far as speech, I have trouble coming up with the right words a lot in social situations which is really frustrating. This is a newer symptom that I believe is caused from worrying so much (and maybe I'm a little out of practice from less socializing). Anyways, its highly unlikely you have a brain tumor, as far as I know the symptoms are usually much more serious. So try not to worry about It, and go to the doctor if you notice it getting worse.

All the best to you, hope you feel better.

02-03-18, 23:12
Thanks so much for your reply. Its reassuring that Im not alone with these strange symptoms. Take care