View Full Version : Life taken over by Lymphoma worries

02-03-18, 17:11
I am new to this forum so firstly would like to say hello and thank you to whoever takes the time to respond to me.
I have always suffered with General Anxiety over lots of things but over the last month m life has been turned upside down by the findings of a lump behind my right ear. I went to the doctors after I had had it for 2 weeks, they said it was a swollen gland and I had a few others up to i'd probably had a cold or was getting one and it was my body fighting it off, but I don't rmemeber being ill, everone around me has been, only thing I had around the time I noticed the lump was scalp irritation which I get a llot this time of year. Dr said if it hadn't gone down by 4 weeks to come back for blood tests.. I left then immediately started googling persistant swollen lymph nodes. I was beside myself, Lymphoma started coming up all the horror stories. I went straight back down the next day to see another doctor who measured the lump and asked me my medical history and family medical history I was a nervous wreck couldn't even get words out, booked a blood test in for the end of that week. Managed to get a blood test sooner and had results back by the end of that week, in this time I have also found another 3 nodes or what I think are nodes very small and moveable in my neck ( at this point original ear node had been there for 3 weeks) . Blood results came back completely normal my white and red cells find, lymphocytes fine, thyroid fine, everything, they said the heamotologist had even looked at my blood through a microscope to test for lymphoma in the film or something. So I should be relieved and leave it there.. WRONG
I have spiralled out of control with visits to the dr's almost every day, event my urgent care centre one evening. Dr's have now put me on beta blockers to help me with my anxiety, as firstly they gave me sertraline which made me feel sick so I stopped it immediately. I have found more small lumps on my head I can't tell if they have always been there, I have now had original node and other nodes up on my neck for like 6 weeks, no other symptoms, I was getting night sweats but these accompany my anxiety and actually I haven't had one for over a week now. and they aren't drenching those ones are very rare and when I've had an awful nightmare. I have started yoga and I go running, my health in general I wuld say has returned back to normal as before I wasn't eating due to my anxiety. But it's up and down every day today I am petrified that I have lymphoma lying dormant and that the doctors have missed something. But I have seen 4 doctors as my local surgery all of which has said they are certain I do not have cancer one even said he was 100% sure. Why can't I believe this, has anyone else had issues like this with lymphnodes?

Thanks xx

02-03-18, 17:48
Hi Hayley,

Nodes are a big topic here. Literally, there are thousands and thousands of similar posts here. A quick search will show you that and if you scroll to the bottom of your thread, you'll see several.

Just like all those threads, they're strikingly similar to yours including the fact that several medical professionals have given you the all clear, you have to find a way to believe them.

Think of it this way. You have everyone telling you the sky is blue but you are choosing to believe it's green despite 100% evidence it's not :shrug:

Perhaps seeking a mental health professional would be helpful.

Positive thoughts

05-03-18, 16:41
If it helps ive always been able to feel one or two in the back of my neck/head.
They swell up from something as small as a cold - even if you just carried it and didn't display symptoms your body may have been fighting something.

Also, it's VERY common for them to never go back to original size once swollen. Or take years to do so. They'll shrink, but it takes time and you will probably always be able to feel them now. It's nothing major.