View Full Version : Convinced I Have MS, Please Please Help

02-03-18, 18:41
I have been an anxious person for most of my life. I am 20 years old and a college student. I have had strange symptoms for about a year now, on and off. I think I have MS and I believe my life is pretty much over. I’ve recently started getting great grades in school and making a lot of money at work. But now I fear that MS will ruin my life. My symptoms are as follows:

Waking up with sore legs
Woke up with arm asleep and leg asleep a couple times
Knees are shaky
Ankles feel shaky
Knees feel tight and painful
Knees are buckling when moving a certain way
Feeling slight shaking/vibrating in knee
Walking feels different, aware of walking
Neck is sore, shaky when I put chin to chest
Headaches around eye
Hands shake on and off
Less endurance when running workingout walking or standing
Shakiness when going down stairs
Feel less balanced, coordinated when moving
Some speech troubles
Acid reflux for a year
Toes get extremely cold
Flashing lights in vision
Lip, jaw trembling
Urinary issue
Sinus infection

(Sorry if this is hard to read, copy and pasted from my notes)

I’ve demanded to see a neurologist to my GP and will do so soon. I guess I just want somebody to talk me off the ledge and tell me it’s possible that anxiety can cause a lot or most of these symptoms...because I worry that the fact that all of these are occurring is too convenient. I’m also worried because all of these symptoms show up in MS and the leg, walking, knee soreness is the newest of my symptoms and has made it hard for me to go on my runs and walk. I’m seriously so scared please help me

02-03-18, 18:48
Have a read of this:


02-03-18, 19:04
Is there a particular reason why you've homed in on MS as a reason for your symptoms?

I'm honestly not exaggerating when I tell you that I have pretty much all of the symptoms you listed. I don't have MS though.

(The one I don't have is the "workout / running" one cos it's been a few years since I've been able to do that :roflmao:)

Anxiety can cause shakyness, and most likely some/all of your symptoms too. I think it's safe to say there are other reasons for pretty much all of them.

If you're often worrying about your health and suffering from health anxiety then it will be very important if you can get some help with that from your GP.

Dunno if the above helps :flowers:

02-03-18, 19:35

Thank you so much that article did help a lot and reading it made me tear up because I just want to enjoy my life and not have this anxiety always ruining things for me. I’d take the anxiety over MS of course but it’s so hard to convince myself that I’m hwalthy. What if one day I’m just not? It’s hard and really frightening.

To Chocolate-

I guess I’ve just seen so many videos of people talking about their symptoms and their issues and the articles and list of early symptoms and what not that MS seems like the closest match based on everything presented. I know anxiety produces a lot of the same symptoms but my anxiety has never given me this much trouble and I’ve never actually had sore legs because of it or trouble walking or balancing. It’s really new to me and scary in that regard and I just find it hard to believe it’s only anxiety.

20-04-18, 23:09

First things first, I am a 20 year old male currently attending college and working about 25 hours a week in retail. I have really bad health anxiety and I am looking into getting a therapist once my insurance updates with my parents. But for now, I have been experiencing some really frightening symptoms, some that are new, and some that have recently come back. They are:

Headaches that feel like pressure in my head. Usually around my eyes, also sometimes my cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, the top of my head, and the back of my head. This is pressure and sometimes it is excruciating and scary.

Extreme waves of fatigue that hit me randomly during the day for 10 to 45 minute intervals, where I feel really tired and weak, I yawn a lot.

Just feeling crappy and not wanting to do anything, like I am depressed or have absolutely no energy to do stuff.

Some muscle fatigue here and there.

My appetite has been really weird, sometimes really hungry, sometimes I can go a whole day without eating.

I have not been trying to lose weight and have lost 5 pounds in the last couple of months.

I know that anxiety can cause fatigue and maybe even headaches. And I have done 2 rounds of antibiotics with my GP and they said that I have no viral or bacterial infection, so I think my sinuses are fine, although they have been more runny recently. It is really hard to go to work and school when feeling like this and constantly running to the doctor is expensive and they have not helped. Please anybody tell me if this sounds like it's possibly due to stress. I am so worried I have some progressive illness as some days I feel okay but then recently I have felt no relief from my symptoms whatsoever. I'm worried the fatigue and appetite and weight issue is cancer related, but the headaches are also worrying me. I have no clue what is wrong with me and it is ruining my life. Please if this sounds like any serious disease point me in the right direction of help.

I guess I am specifically worried about some kind of cancer in my sinus, because I've tried using a neti pot and saline spray and it does not pass through one of my nostrils at all. I am worried there may be some kind of tumor there, and or some kind of cancer just effecting my entire body overall. That, or the fatigue is due to some other progressive illness and I'm hopeless.


---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:54 ----------

Please somebody help. I'm seeing a campus GP after the weekend but I'm just so scared.

20-04-18, 23:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

22-04-18, 20:32
A friend of mine had a daughter who did develop MS and I went into full blown panic mode with pins and needles, numbness, pains, fatigue etc etc etc.
The more heard of her symptoms, the more I developed the same symptoms.
Then I had a genuine, totally unconnected health issue and surprise surprise, whilst worrying about that - all of the MS 'Symptoms' went away - It really really can be, and very probably is - Anxiety.
Incidentally, MS is in this girls family and her has been living a full and happy life with the disease for many many years.
Try taking a mental note of when you feel fine and focus on that.