View Full Version : Back again due to x-rays

02-03-18, 22:23
So I am 29 and over the past 8 years I have had
6 ct scans
2 abdominal
2 Lung
1 head
1 full body
1 nuclear bone scan injection
over 8 normal xrays abdominal and lung = dental

Now I was unaware of the risks of this barium swallow and learnt crap it's 2 years radiation (i thought it was going to be a few pictures not constant beams)

So I am back into the fears that great all these tests from HA lead to actual cancer/leukemia and argh... I no longer have my ex wife to reassure me I need someone with a past similar to me who grew old with no problems. Please help me guys I hate this I was fine for a few years, the barium swallow showed my surgery was fine but he could have done other tests... I just... unaware.

02-03-18, 22:40
There is no conclusive evidence to prove these can cause cancer.

You will be fine.

02-03-18, 23:16
You can't change the past but you can change the future.

Medical testing is not risk free. It's is never a good idea to ask for it. If you need it, you need it- as in a doctor is concerned enough to recommend it. If not, learn to live with uncertainty.

02-03-18, 23:32
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. Guess what they treated me with? Yep.. Radiation. 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Enough to burn the skin off my neck and turn my mouth and throat into mush. And I had a CT scan before each treatment to help adjust the radiation beams. 30 radiation treatments and 30 CT scans in 6 weeks. That's not even counting all the x-rays, CT and PET scans and barium swallows I had in my life. As was said, there's not one case that can be definitively proven to have caused cancer.

Positive thoughts

03-03-18, 06:51
Hi SEANML, totally agree with nomorepa ic, NervUs and Fishmanpa. Yeah, there is a suggestion that if you get many x rays or ct scans it might increase the risk of cancer, but if it actually does the risk is very small, if I'm not wrong is less than 1%. Look at Mr Fishmanpa and like other cancer survivors, they're literally being bombarded with radiation, to levels that you can't imagine even 40 times higher than a single ct scan, and that is just in one radiotherapy sessions of many more.

I also had a ct scan, but only one of my brain, 5 years ago being 17, just to reassure and it was normal. My headaches disappeared for two weeks after the ct scan was done, but then I started again with the brain tumor fear, and in that ocassion I was scared the ct scan was going to give me cancer. It's just crazy and annoying feeling like this, I understand but why did you get so many? I guess that your doctors felt the need of ordering them because they were necessary and maybe you had something going on, a medical condition?

Hope you feel better, and stop worrying!! (I sometimes don't follow my own advice hahah) No please really stop worrying about this, youll be ok :)

03-03-18, 15:50
Thannk you , you are all calming me down once again.

They were do to serious pains and HA, later it was diagnosed as fibromalgia and chronic fatigue, after all the radiation.

*Before I had the brain ct and body one from a beating(2 cts) i had gotten. 3 yrs later is when i had the radiation party as we call it lol