View Full Version : Lump on bone behind ear with other symptoms

03-03-18, 10:19
Dreadful few days with health anxiety..

Over the last 3 weeks i’ve had a few minor illnesses and stomach upsets/pains and fatigue etc. I put it down to moving house. I’ve also lost about 7-8lbs in 2 weeks which again, I put down to moving as i’ve been doing lots of lifting boxes and cleaning etc. I’m 3 stone overweight so that’s not necessary a bad thing!!

However, I was experiencing dizziness a few days ago and have had really sensitive teeth. For some reason I checked my neck glands and discovered a new lump on the bone directly behind my ear. The lump is very hard, fixed and about 1cm in size. Panic has set in. I’m fully aware new lumps are always a cause for concern but along with all other recent symptoms, my mind has gone into overdrive. I have cried, I have googled (terrible idea I know!), and I’m so scared. I know I have to see a doctor and will do next week but I’m wondering if anyone else have had hard lumps behind the ear and fixed on the bone that have not been anything sinister? I have convinced myself the sensitive teeth, feelings of dizziness and all other recent symptoms are because of some tumour growing. Terrified.

03-03-18, 13:18
I’ve had a hard lump behind my ear since I don’t even know when. The first time I remember feeling it was when I was 15, right around the time I developed a nasty allergic reaction to the earring I had in that ear. The first GP I saw about it (like 2 years later because my health anxiety started at 17) said it was probably just a gland and never really worried about it too much because she couldn’t feel it. When I went to her for it I was experiencing practically every single anxiety symptom imaginable so I literally felt like I was dying and she still wasn’t worried.

My anxiety is better controlled now and I have a new GP (because I’m pushing 22 so don’t need a pediatrician anymore lol) and when I brought it up he couldn’t feel it at all either. On my second visit to him, I asked him about it again because I’ve been having chest/back pain that he thinks is musculoskeletal. I had to literally put his finger over it and twist my head for him to feel it.

I asked him for an ultrasound and he gave me the referral because I told him the stupid lump is a giant source of anxiety for me and we were still waiting for my CBC results. The ultrasound tech also could not see/feel it, I had to put her finger over it for her to put the gel on it. I got a call from my doctor an HOUR after the ultrasound so I freaked but he just told me my bloods from the previous week were normal so to breathe easy, and that the thing behind my ear is in fact a node, but it’s tiny, smaller than 1 cm and looks perfectly normal, I just might always be able to feel it. I have an impacted wisdom tooth and another tooth problem on that side so wonder if they’re related or if it’s a shotty node after the infected piercing.

Since I’ve had it for almost 7 years I figure that a lot of more awful symptoms would have started occuring if it was a sinister node, not just being symptomless for all this time. It has also either just always felt the same size or swelled after I poked it at too hard. He said he’ll show me at our next visit, but when he told me it was smaller than 1 cm I couldn’t believe it, because it feels like a kidney bean at least to me, but I guess it’s more the size of a lentil :shrug:

There are LOTS of posts on here about lumps... I would know, I read like all of them the week before my ultrasound because I was so anxious about it lol

03-03-18, 16:03
Thanks for your reply and I will be reading some of the other ‘lump posts’ ��

The lump I have - I asked my hun to feel and he got it straight away. It’s quite pronounced so there’s definitely no question that I have the lump. I will get it checked out to put my mind at rest as that’s the only way I will calm down.

04-03-18, 00:55
I've got one behind my ear rock hard, and now some are forming near my clavical