View Full Version : Anxious gagging

03-03-18, 16:00
This is taking over my life and it's getting worse...it's all I can think about, trying to stop the feeling almost every minute of the day. I'm so close to retching all the time and sometimes do. I've got a bad fear of it and vomiting so it's making me pretty miserable. Sitting still and taking deep breaths seems to help a bit, walking around makes it worse. Does anyone have any tips or hope for me that this will eventually found away? I'm.in therapy and taking medication, what else can I do? Feeling pretty desperate here 😢

04-03-18, 17:01
I used to get it every morning almost as soon as I wake. The only thing that worked was when the anxiety stopped.

I would really look keeping your mind engaged with something interesting. I used to make myself do boring jobs around the house just to keep the worry at bay. Also have a look at the Aware app on your app store if you'd like to try meditation.