View Full Version : Light headiness 24/7

04-03-18, 08:44
Good morning my light headiness is back again,I, should have learnt how to handle it by now the times I have had it,but no I haven't learnt anything,after 30 years ,I still go out mornings and carry it with me,fair wears me out,I am only posting this because I would like to know if anyone else gets this,have a good day my friends:)

04-03-18, 15:36
Thank you for all your replies.

04-03-18, 15:49
I get dizzy in the winter. I put it down to migraines. Vestibular migraines. Also low barometric pressure and cold weather. Also my ridiculous sugar addiction which is getting out of hand.
I've been to the docs many time over the years about dizziness to be told it's sinuses, anxiety etc. Once it was vestibular neuritis which I called 999 for as I couldn't walk without falling over. That was a one off though. My dad had Menieres disease so they said. I may have that too who knows.
I push on through the dizzies and feel better if I can get my stress levels down . Dizziness is crap I sympathise

04-03-18, 16:37
I can't offer any advice but what i can tell you is i've been severely off balance and dizzy 24/7 for 31weeks 2days. It was so bad last August i was taken via ambulance to A&E. My GP has been a total to##er throughout it all! It's horrific but you're not alone.

PS Your sarcastic post thanking people for their replies is not a nice attitude!

05-03-18, 09:15
I can't offer any advice but what i can tell you is i've been severely off balance and dizzy 24/7 for 31weeks 2days. It was so bad last August i was taken via ambulance to A&E. My GP has been a total to##er throughout it all! It's horrific but you're not alone.

PS Your sarcastic post thanking people for their replies is not a nice attitude!

My apologies my friend I am sorry its just the way I felt at the time of posting:blush:

05-03-18, 15:24
No worries:)

Best wishes to you!