View Full Version : Love of Life

08-07-07, 21:44
With the hustle and bustle of every day life, the routine of work, the responsibilities of family, the trip to the supermarket:doh: and much more.

What do we find are the rewarding things that make it all worth while?
Is it a walk on a summers day, listening to music, reading a book:read:, or a family day out?

My pet hate is..... the Supermarket !!!:bansign:

08-07-07, 22:54
Well, from the three things you mention, I've only the supermarket to worry about and that is really connected to my problem. It is feeling inclusive once more that is the big thing for me, so it is the contact with friends that is the 'biggie'.

Silly thing is, that is always not that easy when you feel like this, so you just do as much as you can and sometimes a bit more.


09-07-07, 10:37
The rewarding thing for me is choice - having a day where I can choose just what I want to do, be it reading a book, seeing friends or just watching TV in my pyjamas.

This doesn't happen nearly often enough, and sadly I can't really appreciate it when I'm having a bad patch :(

Not been too bad the past few months though, so I can't complain.

09-07-07, 12:11
I hate software that's designed for educational use - but will not work for love nor money on my school network :mad::mad::mad:!!!

This is also a gentle hint to anyone who works in IT to offer their advice, hints and tips - feel free to PM me.........pleeeease!!! (you have probably deduced by now that today, thus far, has been crammed full of 'GG moments' even more so than usual!) :madness:

However....on a much lighter note :).......when things get almost unbearable I just click on a photo of the two funky, hunky young men in my life (a.k.a. my two grandsons!) and, all of a sudden, things just fall into perspective :D!!

Happy Daze !!!!



09-07-07, 12:26
Pringles are terribly rewarding and you can do something arty with the tube later!! :yesyes:

Sunshine on wriggling toes is one of my all time favs too!!!

Loathe loathe loathe call centres and being asked to choose a million different options and having to do this many times before reaching a real person!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oooh and I can't see dog poo in the street without having to avert my head or some serious wretching will occurr!!!

Smell of clean sheets and if you've just shaved your legs that night how lovely and slippery they slide around the bed!! Yay!!!!

Finding your chunky kitkat has one end that turns out to be totally chocolate - how cool is that!!!

Piglet :flowers:

09-07-07, 12:58
Supermarkets ??? ewwww, isnt that what the internet is for now lol

A long soak in a hot bubble bath, without the kids barging in for a wee ( I am sure they wait till I begin to relax) and then sitting there talking away until I decide its time to get out the bath lol

Looking in the washing and ironing baskets and realising I don't have any to do that day :yesyes:

My girls coming home from school/work and giving me a hug and saying they love me beats everything else hands down though :D


Trac xxxx

09-07-07, 13:04
Wow Piglet !!, gonna do the shaved leg thing asap! lol:winks:

Also gonna get an emty Pringles tube to play with ..... Ooooer, the mind boggles! :blush:

Dave:flowers: ... wiggling his little pinky toes in the sun.

09-07-07, 14:12
Also gonna get an emty Pringles tube to play with ..... Ooooer, the mind boggles! :blush:

Now I deliberately didn't go down that route of disgustiness tut tut :lac: !!!

As an admin I have to be above such things!!:noangel:

Piglet smirks and thinks how Dave will be in trouble when Nic sees that!! :secret: :busted:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-07-07, 15:44
Awww Piglet, don't get mad at me, I'm always in trouble:whistles:


09-07-07, 15:56
Piglet solemnly agrees to keeps Dave's secret and invites him to the paint table with Ray, Trev and Mystics to make a mess - although Mystics and Piglet will have left the scene by the time Nic finds them all! :lac:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-07-07, 16:14
Hearing my door buzzer go and know my daughter is coming to stay full of all her gossip and chatting for hours.......................... Sitting in our jammies snuggled up on the couch with choccies of course lol

I always find sunsets magical too

As for supermarkets...............what a chore, especially when the only trolley left has the wobbly wheel :wacko: and squeaks like mad whilst going the completely wrong direction!

Luv Darkangel :flowers:

PS Dave, trust you to think of something original to do with a Pringles tube :winks: lol

09-07-07, 18:08
I think it is all worthwhile when we can bring joy into another person's life. It could be anyone... If one person is happier because of something you did, it was worthwhile.

09-07-07, 19:15
Aaw, Dave mate.......you got detention - again ??


.......and all because you made a dinosaur out of a Pringles tube??

That's soooo unfair :huh:!!

Sometimes there's just no justice in the world !:blush:


PS: you can pay me later - what was it, oh yeah 2months supply of choccie and toffee popcorn lol!! :winks:

09-07-07, 20:29
I think you are all very naughty Girls, and from now on David is gonna be good, I'll start by putting my Toys away in a large chest! lol hehehe:winks:



09-07-07, 20:56
Hmmmm, ooookey dokey Dave lol !!

......but you still owe me




:winks: xxxxx

10-07-07, 17:16
I always find the supermarket OK I guess I lose myself in the concentration of which products to buy? Sad or what LOL!!
I also find the busier I am the less time I have for feelings of anxiety, the worst thing I can do is sit around twiddling my thumbs, I have also been given up smoking for 9 weeks and need to keep busy so I am not thinking about cigarettes!! As for rewards I love a nice bath and a good book accompanied by chocolates of course!!

11-07-07, 14:21
I just love walking on a sunny day - on my way to work on a morning & back on an evening there's a path that takes me through a pretty empty field and sometimes I just throw my arms back and walk looking up at the sun. With my Ipod on I find there's nothing more relaxing. (sad i know! :blush: )

11-07-07, 14:59
II just throw my arms back and walk looking up at the sun. With my Ipod on I find there's nothing more relaxing. (sad i know! :blush: )

No hun that sounds lovely to me!! :yesyes:

I love simple things like blackberry or strawberry picking!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

15-07-07, 23:53
My best time would be walking in the countryside or by the beach - sitting in my garden too has great appeal, especially if you throw in some chocolate and something alcoholic!
Also like to get lost in a good book - and singing, anytime, any place any where.
By the way Dave, you still getting into lots of trouble - naughty man!!

16-07-07, 17:13
Hello Daisybun my long lost friend:) .... yep, trouble follows me around lol:winks:

If you like chocolate and something alcoholic you are on the guest list for my next Party !!:yesyes: ... especially if you sing.

don't be a stranger

Dave from the "Naughty Club" xx:flowers: