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04-03-18, 17:34

Well I'm Rebecca and only recently in October last year did I start having physical anxiety symptoms while staying in hospital for a gallbladder infection. A major mess up with some morphine induced a rather terrible panic attack I was fine for weeks then it started again near Christmas for no reason at my other half nans house randomly and started having flash backs to the birth of my daughter and the gallbladder issue !. Now I'm on propranolol and receiving cbt on my fifth session currently.

04-03-18, 17:40
Hiya Rebe and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-03-18, 14:44
Good morning Rebe

Sorry that this has happened to you. It seems once panic gets a hold on you at doesn't want to let go. My best advice would be when you feel the panic coming on focus on breathing through it don't let your breathe get out of control.

At one time an ER Dr suggested to me to breathe into a paper bag. Silly as it sounds it worked. For whatever reason that panic switch can get stuck. Realizing it's only panic and riding the wave through it is your best bet to taking back your life. Best to you Rebe and to your family on your journey.

08-03-18, 07:54

Thanks for your reply. Hope to stop this panic from being stuck on constantly so I can enjoy my time at home with my little one. This website has been fantastic on information and so many people suffer with all sorts of panic it's nice to know it's more common than I thought.