View Full Version : weakness

08-07-07, 21:46
I am kind of worried... any reassurance would be greatly appreciated. My hands feel very weak. Even as I am typing, I feel very weak. My right hand keeps trembling. I just feel weak and shaky all over, my hands and legs feel very weak. My head feels fuzzy. Anyway, I have myself in a frenzy that I have MS. I have been thinking that I have it for awhile now... and I just saw that the symptoms tend to worsen in the heat, and I was just outside for a little while in very hot weather! I am terrified. Does anyone else have this weak, trembling feeling, and has anyone ever noticed that it is worse after being out in the heat?? Im scared :weep:

08-07-07, 22:31
Dear itwillpass
I get exactly the same symptoms as you more so when my anxiety and lighteadness etc is at its worst ,unfortunately i cannot answer the question about if it is made worse by being outdoors as i am severlly agoraphobic so barely go out i do know though when the weather is hot and clamy my shakiness etc is all hightened 10000 times ,i was wondering if your on any medication as i am on sedative and i blame that for the weakness but im on such a low dose they shouldent make me as weak as my hands wont hold a cup somedays and like you i for over a week could barely type so i know just how scary it is :hugs: my eyesight also goes and i cannot read a book even to turn a page is an ordeal hun your not alone this anxiety does lots of terrible things to our bodies :weep:
please try not to worry i know earier said than done but i bet you will get a few replies to ease your mind a little bit ,hang in there :flowers:
love dizziex

09-07-07, 00:20
Ive also been having exactly the same symptoms as you recently, the weakness i've been feeling lately is worse than ever before, my head also feels fuzzy. It's annoying as my anxiety was starting to ease a little but now because of this weakness I feel so bad.
Also when I walk I feel so unbalanced because of the weakness and my legs are so trembly.

The weather could well be causing this to you, heat exhaustion would have similar effects as this and because of our anxiety we fear this which does heighten the feelings.

A few of my friends who dont have anxiety have said they've been feeling odd lately with the changes in climate so it probably is this.

I know its easier said than done but please try not to worry anxiety does cause what you are feeling and I'm sure it is just the heat making you feel worse. :hugs:


09-07-07, 00:33
These seem like classic anxiety symptoms. In our heightened sensitised state, we react badly in the heat, and of course to our mental thoughts. Anxiety can take away so much energy from us, it's not true!! Except that it is.

Take Care


09-07-07, 00:49
Wow. thank you all so much for the replies. I know I have anxiety... I am trying to tell myself, what are the chances that I have both anxiety and MS? Also, you all have the same symptoms, so that should convince me even more that it is anxiety. It is so troubling though when we get scary symptoms when we are not THAT anxious. I was having a good day before this hit. Anyway, thank you all so much for the replies, seriously, it means so much to me.

Anxious Canuck
16-07-07, 16:45

I am currently, right now, this very minute, exactly where you are. Weak, watery legs, hands that feel like typing is a chore. Walking to the photocopier feels like walking on a high wire, dizzy, confused noggin...

I am a 6 foot 5, 240 man, and I feel like a can't get up for a cup of tea without being knocked over by a feather. I live in Canada, and with the U.S. as our neighbour, if you can pay for a test, you can get a test.

I went through the MS scare about 18 months ago and decided that the only way to put the whole "what if I have anxiety, but also this dreaded disease?" problem to rest was to go pay for the MRI.

If you have MS, you evidence the disease by displaying extremely visible lesions in your brain. They get more pronounced as the disease progresses, but they are there from day one. The MRI produce absolutely nothing....nada, not a single indication of anything other than a few concussions from my football days. I am 100% perfectly well.

I am where I am at today because my wife had a show on the telly about a character that was walking around and then got weak, fell, trembled and was diagnosed with MS all in the same 10 minutes! What did I do? Yup, the stupid thing, got a tremor in my legs, spasm in my forearm, hit Google and now here I am, freaked right out.

You are 99.9% well, you have stress/anxiety symptoms like the rest of us and they cannot hurt you. You know what this is and it will go away. You do not need to panic, but if you do panic, the worst thing that can happen is you have a panic attack, which also cannot hurt you. It won't matter because you have had them before and it was very unpleasant, but it did not, and will not kill or hurt you.

Get well, don't worry, you are okay,
