View Full Version : Anxiety preventing me making changes

04-03-18, 19:38
I've been struggling with anxiety for a few years, recently I decided I want to change my hair colour but I keep backing out and panicking over it. I like my natural colour and don't know if I'm going to seriously regret it afterwards and not be able to get it back, it's very long and I'd also like to keep it that way. Does anyone have any encouraging words that may help me break this cycle? I feel silly because it won't even be a drastic change and I'm still panicking when it comes to actually doing it, it's becoming exhausting. :weep:

05-03-18, 08:11
I used to panic about going to the hairdressers so that I didnt go for about two years!
If its causing you anxiety the best thing to do is,reason with yourself; is this important? Can I manage without it for now? If you can, then leave the decision making until you feel calmer about it. Give yourself a month say, and then have another think about it.

05-03-18, 18:35
Why not try a semi-permanent colour first? Then it will always wash out. Not such a big step ............

05-03-18, 19:28
If you like your natural colour, stick with it.

I used to dye mine, it's been natural for about 10 years now, I've no idea why I ever stuck chemicals on my head.