View Full Version : Am I having a stroke?

04-03-18, 21:50
I was sitting in bed working on my laptop when the right side of my face started tingling. Started an hour ago, still there. Went on a walk to try to distract myself in case it's anxiety. I don't feel anxious and was busy working when it started. I'm scared. Has anyone else had face tingling? Never happened to me before. No facial weakness, and I don't look crooked when I look in the mirror. A lot of women in my family have had strokes - hence my concern. I'm around 50yo. I want to Google face tingling but don't want to stress myself out further.

04-03-18, 21:57
I don't think you'd be on an anxiety website asking if it's a stroke if you were having a stroke.

Positive thoughts

05-03-18, 03:53
I get this all the time. I also get a hell of a headache in my left temple and numbness under my eye and sometimes even my lips will tingle. I attribute mine to sinuses and perhaps anxiety pushes it further once I focus on it.

05-03-18, 12:39
jrcoleman that sounds like a migraine
Facial tingling is a classic migraine aura

05-03-18, 16:49
Focal migraine probably, but get checked out if you're worried as you could have trapped a nerve.

I would imagine a stroke would cause worsening symptoms and not just go away.

au Lait
05-03-18, 20:59
Sometimes anxiety symptoms can persist even when you don’t feel anxious. I get random numbness and tingling in one side of my face, toes, fingers, etc. And it can often happen long after I’ve had a bad bout of anxiety, even if I’ve calmed down. I believe this is due to the residual amounts of excess stress hormones in our body. Remember that even when panic subsides the effects of anxiety can linger for a very long time after. Anxiety does mess with the nervous system and is responsible for pretty much all of the symptoms that HAers commonly mistake for neuro disease.

06-03-18, 03:19
It's happening again, and I'm freaking out. It happened for the first time a couple days ago and last about an hour. Then it went away, and I forgot about it. My spouse just asked me if it's happened again. I said it hasn't and then BAM - a few minutes later it happened again (I know - sounds suspicious of anxiety re the timing). Honestly though I'm not feeling anxious and haven't been. I've been in great relaxed spirits - more relaxed than in months actually. I'm so scared. Is this a stroke? If it was a stroke, does the numbness go away for a couple days then return??

06-03-18, 06:37
No it doesn’t sound like a stroke. Why don’t you go and see your gp to see if they have any ideas.

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06-03-18, 15:25
Calling doctor today when they’re open. Spinning out from fear!! I woke up with it again this morning.

06-03-18, 16:37
Always good to go to the doctor and get a check - but it’s stress, I have the same for 3 years now, comes and goes, even I`m not aniouxs

07-03-18, 00:33
Spoke to nurse today who thinks a stroke is highly unlikely. She thinks my right-sided face tingling is likely from getting my nose hit a few days ago and irritated a nerve. I felt better about it for a couple hours (even though my face still tingled), but now my right hand is feeling tingly and weird and even my right thigh. So I'm again freaking about a stroke.