View Full Version : Pancoast tumour?

27-12-17, 19:22
For the last couple of days I keep getting a pressure feeling under my left shoulder blade and back and ribs. It comes and goes and feels like someone has there hand on my back. It literally came out of nowhere whilst at work, and then has happened everyday since.

My neck also hurts when I move my head to the left. Not sure if it's related.
What could this be? Scared of it being spine cancer or a sign of a serious illness.

27-12-17, 21:42
Dunno but I have it too! :D

I'm thinking it's some kind of 'I've been all tensed-up' sensation.

27-12-17, 22:51
Spinal cancer is extremely rare, only 1 per 2,400,000 people are diagnosed with it per year. Also, the symptoms do not match...spinnal cancer usually involves or effects the spinal cord and/or major nerves...thus, when symptoms appear, sharp pain as well as prominent neurologic or motor issues become evident. What you have sounds like a rogue fasciculation scenario or tensed muscle. There is a major muscle connecting your ribs to your shoulder. I had a similar issue years ago except it felt like someone was constantly digging their thumb into my back. It was more annoying than painful. After a few weeks it went away..

28-12-17, 10:22
Woke up this morning and it's still the same. Feels like something is on my left side under my shoulder. It feels like it's going to be numb but it's not when touching it.

I really don't know what to do. I've had tingling/burning everywhere in patches since September and now this. I'm so scared that this is going to get worse and it is serious

28-12-17, 11:19
Hi there,

I have had constant pressure all around (like a band) my ribcage and I thought the worst. This happened right after learning the symptoms of a certain disease I thought I had and it relieved after a while of distraction so I know it's my anxiety. Probably doesn't help that I don't take any medication.

Peace and love

28-12-17, 17:08
This comes and goes but I'm also getting pain in my back and neck. It was bad last night. It just feels like someone has a hand on my back. This is a nightmare. If it's not one thing it's another.

03-01-18, 18:47
I've been having headaches everyday recently. Pretty much all day too.
I'm so worried about a brain tumour as I feel sick all the time and just dont feel righr (tingling and feeling of weakness in left hand) or a brain aneurysm

I also have a shoulder and back issue where my left shoulder feels right, numb and painful mostly when I sit forward.

I've booked a holiday for 4 nights in the UK where I'm from and I'm panicking so much about it. It's in 5 days and I'm worried something will happen when I'm there

03-01-18, 19:04
Can't diagnose you obviously, but I quite often get headaches which originate from a tense shoulder.

I keep meaning to go and get a massage - I'm sure it would help. Do you know anyone who could give you a shoulder rub so you can tell if it's from there?

03-01-18, 19:51
I can't diagnose you either, but I can share my experience with you.

I've been having intermittent headaches for about 3 months now, coupled with a sore neck and shoulder. I've been convinced that I've got any number of different things wrong and have been back and forth to the Doctors (a few different ones) and they all say the same thing; anxiety leads to being tense pretty much all of the time (start being more aware of your posture, especially hunched shoulders, and you'll be surprised how often you have to physically relax yourself!), this leads to headaches, which makes you more anxious, which makes you tense etc etc - it's a pretty viscous cycle.

I've only come to properly accept this over the last dew days, and already am starting to feel better. Hope you feel better soon too [emoji847]

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04-01-18, 01:02
Agree with the above. I get bad tension headaches and severe spikes of pain in my right shoulder and collarbone. Partly because of anxiety and partly because of my poor posture most likely. My muscles and nerves are likely shot to hell from daily anxiety for over a year.

Been meaning to see the doctor about it because it does get rather painful.

04-01-18, 01:41
Brain tumors were my first ever episode of HA when I was 18. A guy I knew had one, and somehow I convinced myself I might too. I had headaches every single day for six months, and when a cat scan showed me clear, they went away the next day. The anxiety feeds the tension with which can feed headaches, and if headaches are your worry, the tension grows. It feeds itself.

I have learned since then, headaches can be chronic and recurring as a normal part of anxiety.

04-01-18, 09:17
Is it normal to have bad dreams with anxiety?

I always dream of my boyfriend leaving me or cheating on me.

But last night was horrible. I dreamt that a girl I used to be friends with died of a brain tumour. And after she died I went to her house. Now this making me thunk I have a tumour even more.

I'm worried because the last time I had a head scan it said my pituitary was slightly enlarged. Then a repeat saying no change. I'm worried this could be a mistake or a brain tumour could be grown since.

My reading and memory is really rubbish at the moment. When I read I suddenly stop on a word.

It also takes me ages to think about what my boyfriend has said as j get him to repeat it over and over.

05-01-18, 17:04
If I had a tumour would the opticians see changes of pressure in my eyes?? Just need to know so I can relax before I go on holiday

05-01-18, 17:20
Stress and anxiety lead to tension and pain and yes... HEADACHES (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz3eAu_DX1c) ;)

Positive thoughts

13-01-18, 11:40
Iv2 still got this horrible feeling. I'm starting to wondering something is wrong with my spine as I get bad left leg pain too and a feeling of weakness in my left arm and leg (not weak though, just a feeling)

Im really worried about a tumour pressing on my spine causing the pain. It all started off In my leg 3 years ago and now moving upwards.

13-01-18, 12:20
Iv2 still got this horrible feeling. I'm starting to wondering something is wrong with my spine as I get bad left leg pain too and a feeling of weakness in my left arm and leg (not weak though, just a feeling)

Im really worried about a tumour pressing on my spine causing the pain. It all started off In my leg 3 years ago and now moving upwards.

I have the exact same symptoms as you when I am worried, even if I feel calm. My left leg is also hurting on and off and I felt the same weakness in my left arm too. It went away, as will yours. It's all from anxiety.

Peace and love

13-01-18, 15:38
ive had this leg pain for over 2 years now and went to a physiotherapist who said i need to exercise. no scans or anything. i dont trust that she is right as the problem has now gone to my shoulder causing more isues

13-01-18, 19:26
I have the sensation of something pressing on my black too. Don't think it can be anything as it comes and goes.

14-01-18, 10:01
Could it be cancer or a tumour causing this? I'm really worried. I want to stay in bed because I'm too worried about it and don't want to do anything

14-01-18, 11:00
ive had this leg pain for over 2 years now and went to a physiotherapist who said i need to exercise. no scans or anything. i dont trust that she is right as the problem has now gone to my shoulder causing more isues

Have you taken that advice?

Positive thoughts

14-01-18, 19:14
Shouldn't they of done an mri though? In really bad pain with my leg tonight

14-01-18, 19:29
Shouldn't they of done an mri though? In really bad pain with my leg tonight

Have you taken the physio's advice?

Positive thoughts

14-01-18, 19:43
I started going to the gym, plus I'm a waitress so on my feet all the time anyway. I'm used to the legpain as I've had it for 3 years and found it gets worse after being on my feet/walking for a medium-ling period of time.

What worried me is how my shoulders are really hurting and the numbness/pressure in my shoulder is there. I feel like something has spread

30-01-18, 12:09
Went to the doctors today about this and he didn't know himself, he said if it is still there in a few weeks then he will refer me for a scan.

So more worry. The fact that he wasn't sure and was asking me weird questions and listening to my chest scares me. I'm positive this is cancer as I keep feeling sick, get bad pains, feel dizzy and the shoulder thing isn't going

31-01-18, 03:09
So I've been getting a left shoulder blade pain too. Mine is a dull ache/burn sensation on the left shoulder blade. I started jogging 30 mins a day for my anxiety and I'm pretty sure bad form brought this about. I took today as a rest day and I've had little to no pain in that spot. I too have suffered from dizziness lately too with some shortness of breath. Likely all anxiety related, many people experience this. We could be extra tense too this causing back pains. Know you're not alone friend!

---------- Post added at 22:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:08 ----------

Adding- I know the feeling of freaking and thinking something huge is at play but it's highly unlikely we BOTh have cancer with our similar symptoms. -hugs- take care of yourself til the scan and please try not to worry.

05-03-18, 09:14
I've posted before about my left shoulder problem how it was tingling under my shoulder blade. My while arm aches and my back and shoulder aches too. I have a painful bit on the edge of my armpit and sometimes it hurts to breathe.

Obviously I've googled this and it came up with lung cancers. Pancoast tumours cause all of the symptoms I have. Is it possible to get this at 19? I've been around smoke all of my life as my grandad smokes a pipe.

Last time I went to the doctors he said if it hasn't gone he will arrange a scan.. is that what he's looking for?

08-03-18, 17:16
My shoulder arm back and ribs is killing me.

Can lung cancer happen in a 19 year old? Feel like I haven't got long left and that something bad will happen

08-03-18, 17:20

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