View Full Version : Some lump, or whatever, on my back

05-03-18, 12:49
Hello guys ! Hope you're having a good Monday !

Ok, let me start with the good news first... I've been smoke-free for 1 month now, and I'm feeling good ! On the other hand, I've become super anxious, and been checking for lumps/bumps on my skin instead of smoking, LOL.

Ok, so, the other day, I realized something was sticking out on my back, it's right lower neck, maybe on my upper-back, where my neck meets. It's in the middle, feeling bony. It's not really large, and not visible unless you touch it and feel it with your own hands. The funny part is, when I stand straight, you hardly can feel it, but when i lean forward, you can almost feel it all. Also, when I turn my head to the right, it's almost completely gone ! Super fun huh ? So yeah, this is what I'm doing during my time of being smoke free, playing with my lump / bump or whatever you wanna call it !

Have any of you experienced something like this ? Should I consider seeing a doctor ?

Thanks for your time !

05-03-18, 14:35
Everyone has this. It's normal anatomy. It's probably sore from you pushing on it. Bad posture makes it stick out more. No worries! :)

06-03-18, 05:14
I won't say it's "simple anatomy" cause I've been checking on my friends' back, and haven't seen anyone experiencing that.