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View Full Version : Prostate fears

15-08-17, 17:46
Over the past week or 2 I have had to pee constantly, like im up ever hour or 2 with an urgent need to go. Whats frustrating is the fact I cant hold it at all. Ive had this issue previously when I was having horrible bouts of panic attacks and health anxiety but that went away. Although after that bout I was left with having to shake alot after peeing because I was having a lot of dribble. All of this is scary and I feel like at 28 I shouldnt be having these bladder issues.

17-08-17, 04:33
You're not alone here, I not only have to pee constantly, but I pee a lot.

If you have been checked out for other issues and came up clear, it is definitely just stress. Not uncommon at all.

19-08-17, 19:37
Im just wondering if I have a kidney infection or something. Cause I wasnt going this frequent before a week or 2 ago. Today its been like every 45 mins to an hour and its a sudden powerful urge. plus my lower back feels a little sore but im not running a fever or feeling sick

19-08-17, 21:17
If it causes too much worry it never hurts to get checked out!

However, unless you're running a fever, urinating odd colors or in pain that makes it hard to function, I would nail it down to stress.

10-11-17, 12:59
So this has been a issue for years now for me since my HA flared up. I constantly have to go pee and (this is embarrassing and TMI) I've also noticed that after I go I'm having to shake off much more because I'm not getting everything out. I feel like I'm way too young to be dealing with these issues, this is something that you expect to do deal with when you're 70 not 30. I went to urologist when it started and he didn't seem concerned but here I am three years later still nervous about having prostate issues

13-11-17, 20:04
It's very rare to have prostate issues at 30. Did you explain your concerns to the urologist? A prostate exam is quick and easy (if a little embarassing) if you feel that would put your mind at ease. But you need to ask yourself if you would trust the doctors opinion or will you still think the same thing.

If it helps I have a tight bladder neck and my anxiety affects my peeing considerably. I to had prostate worries (I'm a little older) but once I explained my concerns they were quite happy to do a couple of quick tests to discount it from the radar.

Peeing is supposed to be pretty much an automatic thing...you feel, you go to the loo, you empty. The problem with anxiety is you hyper focus and worry, this can cause increased frequency, and with increased frequency comes reduced amount each time. That then makes you worry more and the cycle repeats.

Personally I would write down all you concerns regarding your prostate/peeing. Then read them off to your doctor (or just give them the paper), see what they say. But most importantly have a bit of faith and believe what they tell you cos they are trained and see numerous patients every day.

Positive thoughts

10-02-18, 18:18
Is there any other symptoms?
Like Thirst or something like that because the constant urge to pee is one of the symptoms of diabetes.

15-02-18, 13:41
I have literally just had this scare myself, I have back ache also and thought I was having urgency, weak flow issues (i m also a little older) They usually say to start getting looked at in your 50's and earlier possibly if there's a family history (father, brother etc).

I went and had a DRE (Digital (meaning finger) Rectal Examination), i had urine taken both on the same visit to the GP, both negative. I then had bloods done, which have revealed slightly under active thyroid, which is fine and treatable.

The thing is since I had these results back my peeing issues have dried up a bit (scuse the pun) and I feel like my flow is OK and regularity is fairly normal (for me).

So I suggest go and get these very simple quick tests and Bleets advice about a diary is great,

I am confident that you'll feel better after the check up :)


05-03-18, 18:49
I'm really starting to freak out, I'm sorry if this gets a little NSFW. I am 28 year old male and I cannot stop pissing, I'm literally going almost every hour and I'm starting to feel powerless to this issue. The urge comes out of no where and hits me like a wall, I almost pissed my pants in my car riding back from the bar. I recently had a physical where my blood work said that everything is nominal but my doc offered to give a proctal exam but I'm too scared to do it. Should I schedule it now or should I change my dietary habits first? I'm thinking about cutting out all alcohol, coffee, spicy foods and a lot of salt out my diet to see if that helps. I have ha anxiety but I don't think that is what causing my issues. Sorry if this is TMI but o can't stop freaking out

05-03-18, 19:06

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-03-18, 19:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


05-03-18, 19:57
Is there any other symptoms?
Like Thirst or something like that because the constant urge to pee is one of the symptoms of diabetes.

Got blood work done and I'm not diabetic or pre diabetic, kidney function was nominal. The only thing I can think of is a weak urinary system or prostrate issues

---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:52 ----------

It's very rare to have prostate issues at 30. Did you explain your concerns to the urologist? A prostate exam is quick and easy (if a little embarassing) if you feel that would put your mind at ease. But you need to ask yourself if you would trust the doctors opinion or will you still think the same thing.

If it helps I have a tight bladder neck and my anxiety affects my peeing considerably. I to had prostate worries (I'm a little older) but once I explained my concerns they were quite happy to do a couple of quick tests to discount it from the radar.

Peeing is supposed to be pretty much an automatic thing...you feel, you go to the loo, you empty. The problem with anxiety is you hyper focus and worry, this can cause increased frequency, and with increased frequency comes reduced amount each time. That then makes you worry more and the cycle repeats.

Personally I would write down all you concerns regarding your prostate/peeing. Then read them off to your doctor (or just give them the paper), see what they say. But most importantly have a bit of faith and believe what they tell you cos they are trained and see numerous patients every day.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for this, I will write down my thoughts this week. I've given myself a week to lay off the spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol, nicotine. If I'm still not seeing any progress I may schedule a prostate exam reluctantly. I'm a bit of a health worried but I feel like I shouldn't be having issue so early on