View Full Version : Irritation at anal opening

05-03-18, 21:08
For about 8 months now I've been struggling with an itchy and irritated anus that comes and goes. It seems to be exacerbated by exercise and sweat and seems to bleed a small amount when I wipe after going to the bathroom (this is the worst case). I've been to my GI and and colo-rectal specialist who couldn't find anything or figure out why I'm experiencing this irritation. The specialist said that it's just an itchy anus, but he sees nothing serious to worry about. I am young in my mid 20s with no significant medical or family history of GI problems. My symptoms are relieved when I put some aquafor lotion around the outside of the anus. I'm not sure what this is, but I feel like I shouldn't have to be putting lotion around my anus for the rest of my life.

06-03-18, 01:30
I had this for a couple months recently, and find that it still comes and goes. After a freak out over anal/rectal cancer, my doctor assures me that it’s fine after 3exams, lol. I finally believe her and seriously found that I notice it only when I hyper focus on it. I actually think, in my case, I got irritated from some diarrhea at one point, then continued to hyper focus until I had made it a giant issue in my mind. Do you have health anxiety? Maybe if you tried to ignore it for a bit if a doctor has pronounced you healthy, it would go away. That is what worked for me. I was putting creams and things down there as well, but the best thing has seriously been to leave it alone, both mentally and physically. I know, it so aggravating to have to worry absolutely it something like this, plus embarrassing to keep bringing up to doctors.

06-03-18, 01:47
I'm not sure what this is, but I feel like I shouldn't have to be putting lotion around my anus for the rest of my life.

There's a politically incorrect joke there somewhere ;)

When you think about it, our anuses are literally giving birth on nearly a daily basis to creatures so vile and horrendous that even Hollywood can't portray what we experience!

Sounds like piles/fissures. They'll heal :yesyes:

Positive thoughts and poo threads

06-03-18, 04:40

Yes most of us have had this at one stage or another, it's called puritis. Be careful with hydocortisone creams as they can make things worse and thin out the skin. A thickish cream is good, one of the baby creams like Bepanthen.

Also you may have an allergy to toilet paper, plus the skin on ones bottom is quite sensitive! I have this, so have to put some emulsifying ointment on the toilet paper before wiping. Doing sports or anything sweaty does make it worse, the idea is to use a barrier cream which repels moisture and therefore heals and protects the skin :)

06-03-18, 05:13

Yes most of us have had this at one stage or another, it's called puritis. Be careful with hydocortisone creams as they can make things worse and thin out the skin. A thickish cream is good, one of the baby creams like Bepanthen.

Also you may have an allergy to toilet paper, plus the skin on ones bottom is quite sensitive! I have this, so have to put some emulsifying ointment on the toilet paper before wiping. Doing sports or anything sweaty does make it worse, the idea is to use a barrier cream which repels moisture and therefore heals and protects the skin :)

Is that just the term used to describe an itch?

OP - surely the doctor had some ideas about the cause? I've had every one of those symptoms, and more, due to piles. But any doctor could easily diagnose them.

If it is piles there are plenty of things you can try but I think it important the doctor confirms whether it's not piles first before getting into all that.

As far as itching goes, exercising, tight underwear, sitting a lot, etc all used to make my pikes worse. Sweating results from it and that brings things like itching. But without piles a crevice that swears too much or us too dry can just do this too. And I wonder if you are fairly young because I found the higher hormones of mu twenties made this worse.

06-03-18, 05:26
Is that just the term used to describe an itch?

OP - surely the doctor had some ideas about the cause? I've had every one of those symptoms, and more, due to piles. But any doctor could easily diagnose them.

I'm sure the Dr knows what it is. Piles and fissures can cause soreness & itching around the outside of the anus, this soreness is called puritis ani :)

06-03-18, 05:54
I'm sure the Dr knows what it is. Piles and fissures can cause soreness & itching around the outside of the anus, this soreness is called puritis ani :)

Ah ha, then I've had that many times with mine! I just used to call it The Ring Of Fire...I'm not sure Johnny Cash would approve :ohmy:

06-03-18, 05:57
Ah ha, then I've had that many times with mine! I just used to call it The Ring Of Fire...I'm not sure Johnny Cash would approve :ohmy:

LOL Terry so did we .... especially after a good taco meal! Or s****ing pins & needles! :roflmao: