View Full Version : Pelvic pain for last week - ladies issues

05-03-18, 21:23

I’d be really grateful for your help.

The first day of my last period was 5 February, so this month’s period was due around yesterday. It hasn’t started yet.

However, for the last week I have had near constant pelvic pain. Mainly on my right side but occasionally felt in the left side. I have a dragging feeling in my genitals and pain on the right side of my waist. Would it hurt there if it was my ovaries?

’m so scared. When I have googled “period pain a week before period”, ovarian cancer comes up.

Does anyone else get period pain a week before their period arrives?

Please help x

05-03-18, 21:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.


Elen Admin

05-03-18, 21:31
What do youean by dragging feeling in genitals?

05-03-18, 21:36
Hi there, it’s like pressure. Sorry didn’t explain that very well

05-03-18, 21:57
sorry im male but have u done a pregnancy test?. Sorry to ask a stupid question

05-03-18, 22:03
Thanks for your response. Definitely not pregnant.

05-03-18, 22:54
Well, it's very unlikely to be ovarian cancer.

Sometimes, if you don't ovulate one month (due to hormones, or stress, or just one of those things) the egg follicle on your ovary might not rupture and instead grow bigger into a functional cyst. These are harmless, and go away by themselves, but could be causing your discomfort and would explain why your period hasn't come.

I'm not saying it is that, but that's just one example of the many, many benign causes for your symptoms. I'm sure it's nothing. You may miss your period this month, or it may come soon. If you do have a cyst, you may have a little pain when it ruptures or you may feel nothing.

If you kept on missing periods, you might want to see your GP. But as a standalone event this doesn't sound worrying at all. And certainly not like cancer!

05-03-18, 23:12
O_O thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It is really appreciated. I am sure that I have ovulated this month - had the normal tell-tale signs. Hopefully my period will appear soon, although having pain/discomfort for a whole week prior might be worth getting checked out...I’ll see.thank you

05-03-18, 23:22
O_O thanks so much for taking the time to reply. It is really appreciated. I am sure that I have ovulated this month - had the normal tell-tale signs. Hopefully my period will appear soon, although having pain/discomfort for a whole week prior might be worth getting checked out...I’ll see.thank you

For sure go to your GP for your peace of mind, though I'm sure they'll say it's nothing. For some perspective... I had pelvic pain for four months! I was convinced it was cervical cancer and even though all the doctors I saw said I was fine I had a barrage of tests. No reason for the pain was ever found... and eventually it went away.

Sometimes we just get random pains, and mostly they're idiopathic. Yours may last a little longer, but I am certain it'll subside soon.

Personally, I'd give it another week and see if your period comes and see if it's better after that. But of course if you want to go to the doctor sooner for your peace of mind then there's no harm in that (as long as you trust them... something I struggled with!)