View Full Version : New here... Advice

06-03-18, 00:09
hi everyone, I'm new here and just wanted to share a bit about whats going on with me this week in the hope i get some advice.

So I've been feeling run down this week, not sure if i have a lingering cold or sinus issue, but ive been soooo tired and lethargic. With this comes a feeling of not feeling like I'm quite here, like I'm a little dizzy?

So this morning i was out for breakfast and all of a sudden its like a became aware of how dizzy or out of it i felt, my heart starting racing, could feel myself suddenly become really hot and sweaty and felt the onset of panic. Thankfully it calmed back down.

All week I've been feeling poorly come the evening, just really drained and tired but it seems to be making my anxiety worse.

I go on holiday on sunday and have a flight and I'm petrified i feel like this come sunday.

Does anyone else find they get worse when they are unwell? I cant decide if I'm run down and unwell due to anxiety or if anxiety is because I'm feeling unwell.

MY sinuses arnt sore but i feel like the top of my nose is blocked and my hearing has been odd at times so i suspect it is my sinuses. causing occasional hot flushes and sweats and i just don't think my anxiety is mixing well with it.

Anyone any advice or similar experience with the not feeling there feeling? It's like my brain finds it hard to relax and just process everything around it, just become really overwhelmed for no reason.

Hope that makes sense and doesn't sound daft. Any advice welcome.

06-03-18, 06:42
It sounds like you’re worrying about feeling a bit run down, and that’s bought on your anxiety. Yes, I think when our defences are low, the anxiety can seep in.

I think your holiday has come at the right time! Practice relaxation techniques as much as possible before you go (and while you’re there!).

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