View Full Version : Rectal bleeding but GP found nothing

06-03-18, 04:08
I was hoping my GP would find the cause of my minor bleeding but she couldn't so I've now been referred for a colonoscopy. I'm so scared I have cancer. I'm 36, had a baby 5 months ago and have had intermittent blood on the toilet paper since. If it was something minor wouldn't the GP have picked it up?

06-03-18, 11:10
Lots of people have colonoscopies for bleeding. Very few of them get diagnosed with something sinister. Your doctor is just being thorough. Scans etc can be helpful but only a colonoscopy allows the specialist to see inside the bowel. It is a very definitive test.

06-03-18, 13:54
If its just on the toliet paper, its probably just fissures. Especially if you had a baby a few months ago. I had bleeding for a while after going to the bathroom. Never went to the doctor about it. I took stool softners which helped a ton!

06-03-18, 14:04
I also had bleeding after having both my babies for several months.

07-03-18, 01:47
Pregnancy is a major cause of hemorrhoids, which in turn cause bleeding when wiping. They’re not always itchy or painful so you might not even realize you have them. As a general rule, red blood isn’t cause for concern!