View Full Version : Renal blood retest

06-03-18, 09:58
Hi x
I had my bloods taken yesterday morning
I had a phone call this morning to say my ‘ renal ‘ bloods need retesting in a weeks time ,
Has anyone else even had to do this ?
I’d be so grateful for any replies as my HA is really out of control ,
Thank you so much

06-03-18, 20:46
What didn’t you have the original blood test for? For a kidney issue?
Renal bloods are basically blood tests to identify kidney function.
I wouldn’t be alarmed if these levels are abnormal. Being dehydrated can affect kidney function. Also, any medication can have an impact. I’m sure the retest will be fine. I’ve had blood tests show abnormal indicators and the retest was ok.

10-03-18, 21:23
Hi Jack ,
Thank you so much for your reply ,
I asked the dr to call me due to my anxiety over it ...
He suggested I was possibly dehydrated as I’d had my bloods taken at 7:30 in the morning and I hadn’t drank anything ,he didn’t seem to worried ,
I had them done as I went for indigestion ( GORD) and the doctor suggested I have blood work and an ECG ,
Thank you for replying ,
I hope you’re well

11-03-18, 00:41
I had to do this when I had side effects from a medication I was taking and I was dehydrated because I wasn't eating or drinking enough due to anxiety. They changed my medication and retested, and it was fine. Make sure you drink plenty of water so you're not dehydrated.

11-03-18, 16:41
Make sure you have drunk a pint of water at least hour before test if its early am. Dehydration gives whacky results. You should have been tod to be well hydrated before having the test. The phlebotomist at my surgery tells everyone this with all blood tests as it also means its easier to get blood as well.
As long as you are well hydrsted i bet your repeat test is fine.

11-03-18, 19:49
Oh yes drink plenty of water, dehydration can really mess up our bodies and cause symptoms that when we go to doctor google we think we have a fatal illness, so as others are telling and I agree with make sure you are well hydrated.