View Full Version : I'm so scared I have a brain tumour please someone help

06-03-18, 22:54
Hey everyone i'm Josh and i'm a 17 year old male, and i have been so scared, stressed and anxious about having a brain tumour, here is why. I have had a what i can only describe as a tension headache for 4 weeks straight, medicine does relive the pain but it comes back, the pain isn't very bad at all on a scale i would rate it a 4/10, it hurts around my temples, dull aching on the forehead, and sharp pains near the back of the head, so all over. the reason i think i have been getting this headache is because i spend nearly most of me day on the computer playing games, and if i'm not on my computer i'm on my phone.

Anyway here is the Symptoms i am worried about, sometimes, not all the time i wake up feeling sick, especially if i have been stressed or anxious the night before and this gets me so worried because i think i have a brain tumour although the feeling sick goes away with some deep breaths and me walking around the house, i have not been sick and don't feel like i will, I can still do exercise and that helps me a lot because i am not constantly thinking about it, another symptom i have is some muscle spasms in sometimes my legs but not very often only when i am stressed out, one other symptom i have is when i cough i get a sharp pain sometimes not all the time though and i'm not sure what this is, i have no other symptoms like i'm completely fine otherwise.

I have been to the doctors, had eye tests,had a blood test and been to the hospital and there is no pressure behind my eyes and i'm till waiting for my result for my blood test. Also in addition i had a MRI 2 years ago and it came back all clear, i am having another scan soon but i am getting so anxious and stressed can someone tell me if these symptoms are a brain tumour or if its just anxiety, also one more thing i have been diagnosed with OCD and anxiety before but i am just really scared, please could someone help me??

thanks.** * **

06-03-18, 22:57
Headaches are rarely associated with brain tumours.

You have been checked out and I would say it is just a tension headache and anxiety.

06-03-18, 22:59
thank you so much I'm just so stressed about this it's on my mind 24/7 but thank you xx