View Full Version : Struggles with fear

07-03-18, 00:59
Hi everyone! I am new to this forum but have been a long time lurker here.
My health worries started after I had my child. I went for a routine blood test and it came back abnormally low. Platelets and red blood cells were right outside of normal but my white blood cells were under half of what they should have been. I was sent to a hematologist who checked for all autoimmune and other possibilities and looked at a blood smear but didn’t see a need to do anything except monitor blood counts but was not very reassuring.. Going back every two weeks to this doctor for blood checks terrified me and I lived in fear of these visits for at least 6 months over which my counts stayed the same, never moving way up or down. Finally I visited my OBGYN who pulled my chart and noticed that my counts had always been on the low end since I had seen her for 2 years and felt that these were just my normal so she said I didn’t need to continue to see the hematologist so I quit going. She checked my iron which was in normal range for the first time ever which gave me much reassurance. That was over 2 years ago and I haven’t had a CBC since but have been very health aware since. I have gone through struggles of fear with most cancers, degenerative diseases, heart palpitations, degenerative diseases, etc. all stemming from these abnormal counts which I’ve had for at least 4 years. I analyze myself for bruises (which I get sometimes), mouth lesions, pettechie. I often feel like I am slurring my words. I am trying to get pregnant with our second child right now so don’t want to do anxiety medicines. I most recently am back to square 1, worried about leukemia again, and even read through cancer patients stories of diagnosis tonight. I am hoping to find someone to relate to here! Thank you