View Full Version : I need reassurance x

07-03-18, 09:59
Hi everyone
Just need reassurance really - and a bit of encouragement
Started cit again a month ago - started on 5mg - and gone up slowly- took my 1st 15mg today.
Last week I was feeling ok - and now the last 4-5 days have hit me hard - the not sleeping is killing me. I’ve been prescribed a sleeping tablet - I took last night and slept for only about 4-5 hours.
My other side effects this time is I’m really hot!! My body temperature is roasting and I need to wee much more .
I think the worst thing is the not sleeping
I feel like I’m struggling and really need lots of encouragement- I’ve been on cit twice before and I no it’s a struggle at first but it’s so hard when your going through it x
Lots of reassurance and encouragement please xxxx

07-03-18, 12:09
Why do you get on the tablets only to come off.and get back on again..can you take the tablets long term .. so you don't suffered these episodes again?just curious..

07-03-18, 13:07
Hi meds take around 2 months to really start working if then you are still having problems it's back to your dr to see if there are alternative meds that can help also have you thought about therapy to compliment any meds you are taking? I really hope you will find the answers you need ATB

07-03-18, 13:27
Hi jennifer, there is a wonderful lady always posts in another forum, her words always comfort me. I will quote some of her words for " recovery creeps up very slowly - I've not heard of anyone just waking up well.

Side effects will very slowly ease off - sometimes so slow you hardly notice it. I started to notice I was more relaxed, my mind able to focus more, enjoying things a little more ......... then one night I was at an exercise class I suddenly realised I hadn't thought of 'it' for a whole hour!!

Early morning anxiety was the last thing that left me. I'd wake every morning with awful anxiety, but by the end of the day it had worn off and by evening I'd feel quite happy, relaxed and more like my old self. This happened daily, and the nice feeling began happening earlier and earlier in my day. One day I woke up and realised I didn't have anxiety ...... it just got better and better.

Recovery often comes in waves - you might start feeling well, happy and then find a few days or a week later you'll feel bad again. This is normal and will happen time and time again ..... but this means recovery is happening. Eventually the bad times get less intense and less frequent, and the well time get stronger and more frequent.

Don't try and hurry it - you can't. Let recovery come to you. It will.

The wait is worth it. The world becomes a happy place again."

K x

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------

Another lovely words from her: it took me 6 months to recover, and some people take longer and others quicker. We're all so different and the meds work individually for you.

Its usually around 3-4 months that you might start noticing small changes. These meds works real slow and those first weeks are usually the worst.

Each time you increase your dose you'll get side effects again. Its just your body adjusting, so nothing to worry about really.

A larger dose also doesn't mean you'll get better any quicker - you cannot hurry recovery whatever you try to do. Everyone suits a different dose - for me it was 20mg. Get to a dose and then stay on it for a long time ....... and just stick it out. You have to let your body get used to the dose and then you'll begin to start noticing improvement.

Recovery happens slow - and I mean really slow. You won't notice anything for ages, and will probably feel dreadful ...... but the meds are working. Just give them time.

Count recovery in months not weeks. It does get better.

K x

07-03-18, 20:01
Thank you all
Shery that was just what I needed- thank you x
I was on cit 6 years ago for 1 year doc said to wean off so I did - 2 months later “it “ was back so I started cit again- was on it for 3 1/2 years felt fab and thought I could come off- so I weaned down- was off the tablets for 7 months felt fine and this January I started to feel stressed and all the feeling took hold again - hence why I’m back starting out again.
This time I will stay on them for good.

07-03-18, 21:01
That's what I needed to hear because iam on my first time with these tablets and I'm never coming off them.. absolutely not..I don't want to experience what I went thru again..you will get better trust me..

07-03-18, 22:59
Thank you Lulu x
I’ve been in situation too many times now - this is my 3rd an last time - I will never come off these again.
People need extra seratonin - and I’m one of these people.
We will all get through the rough start up - it’s just nice to hear from people who understand and are going through the same thing x
Thank you for replying x

08-03-18, 10:36
Jennifer While I understand what you are saying you are commiting your life to meds I understand that they do help a lot of people, Have you looked at therapy to compliment the meds?? ATB