View Full Version : Triggers- what sets you off worrying about your health?

07-03-18, 13:32
Hi Everyone
Thought this may be helpful for us to share what our usual triggers are, if any. This website has given me so much help knowing Im not alone.

Today I was driving through mcdonalds and couldnt decide what I wanted so when the girl asked me for my order I couldnt get my words out, probably because I was undecided but straight away the panic sets in...Im having speech problems....my mind starts to race, I feel sick, the headache is back Im googling MS, Brain Tumor which of course I have all the symptoms of

A big trigger from me is the Daily Mail online newspaper. There is a daily story of the missed cancer, the flu that turned to sepsis etc etc. Sets me off completely but yet cannot stop reading it

07-03-18, 13:51
Everything and anything. Trash newspapers are terrible and are full of worst case scenarios for shock factor. Shock = readers. Readers = money. The whole internet is full of this junk for the same reason. If you own a website and it gets views from people arrive on Google you will make money.

It's the same reason this website ads :) But, this site is useful and the ads help keep the site alive and are a small "payment" to the admin for keeping it going. So that's fair.

But sites like DM are littered with ads all over the place. They will make money off every person that visits their site. I could go into a lot of detail how - this was my job for a long time.

So, to cut a long story short I feel like if we had no access to junk information we would likely get on with life and enjoy it.


07-03-18, 14:26
See, I think I'm different to most people. Small day to day things and minor body issue don't trigger me or even bother me.. Even when I have issues for a week or two.. I'm not bothered, even when I Google the symptoms. What sets me off is the same Googling but when I've had symptoms for months on end, like currently I've got a feeling of something stuck in one side of my throat. I've had this issue for 2 months now... Now this I've started to really worry about and convince myself I've got cancer!

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07-03-18, 14:30
See, I think I'm different to most people. Small day to day things and minor body issue don't trigger me or even bother me.. Even when I have issues for a week or two.. I'm not bothered, even when I Google the symptoms. What sets me off is the same Googling but when I've had symptoms for months on end, like currently I've got a feeling of something stuck in one side of my throat. I've had this issue for 2 months now... Now this I've started to really worry about and convince myself I've got cancer!

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Yeah that sucks. I've lost count how many times I've been in that state. I hate the HA that lasts a long time. The more the HA goes on for about a specific illness the more deliberating it becomes to live with that fear.

I post everything on here so later in life I can look back and laugh at my anxiety brain.

07-03-18, 14:33
You're not wrong! I start off fine as I say.. Then after having an issue for a few months, I do the right thing and visit a doctor. They usually fob me off so I go private and get scans and tests.. They don't reasure me, I Google, I think that the doctors have missed something or have done the wrong tests... I panic more and more. I then start to Google the issue I'm fearing (cancer) I then start to research the cancer I think I have and plan for it... It spirals and I can't even go about my day to day life [emoji17] it's horrible and makes me want to do nothing but mope around.. Doing that makes me worse!

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07-03-18, 14:36
You're not wrong! I start off fine as I say.. Then after having an issue for a few months, I do the right thing and visit a doctor. They usually fob me off so I go private and get scans and tests.. They don't reasure me, I Google, I think that the doctors have missed something or have done the wrong tests... I panic more and more. I then start to Google the issue I'm fearing (cancer) I then start to research the cancer I think I have and plan for it... It spirals and I can't even go about my day to day life [emoji17] it's horrible and makes me want to do nothing but mope around.. Doing that makes me worse!

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It's funny because I am in the exact same boat right now with a heart disease fear. I'm in the moping around phase at the moment. I really want to get on with some projects that clients are waiting for but instead I sit here all day Googling and working myself up.

And the funny thing is when you get an all clear diagnosis at first it's like breath of fresh air and you feel so happy and overjoyed. But then it slowly sinks back into HA again and you're back to square one :(

07-03-18, 14:53
I feel awful for you because I know exactly what you mean! I work in a highly stressful, professional role that has me working on multiple different projects all hours of the day and all days of the week and like you, I'm sitting here getting myself down about my current medical issue [emoji17]

Yes! That's exactly how it is! You'll leave the doctors room and feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, the whole way home you feel great! Then when you get back you start to doubt the trust you have in your doctors diagnosis... Then the worrying starts to set in again... And around and around it goes!

I previously saw a mental health specialist but I struggle with them as I feel like I'm seeing through their attempts to reassure me and the techniques they are trying to teach me so it just didn't help me at all!

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07-03-18, 14:58
I feel awful for you because I know exactly what you mean! I work in a highly stressful, professional role that has me working on multiple different projects all hours of the day and all days of the week and like you, I'm sitting here getting myself down about my current medical issue [emoji17]

Yes! That's exactly how it is! You'll leave the doctors room and feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, the whole way home you feel great! Then when you get back you start to doubt the trust you have in your doctors diagnosis... Then the worrying starts to set in again... And around and around it goes!

I previously saw a mental health specialist but I struggle with them as I feel like I'm seeing through their attempts to reassure me and the techniques they are trying to teach me so it just didn't help me at all!

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I can +1 to everything you said here! Feels like I'm looking into a mirror. I'm a software developer and for 10 hours a day I'm meant to be coding, testing and building. I'm honestly about 30 hours behind schedule now because of HA. I am my own boss so I have nobody shouting at me to get work done. That's the downside of working for yourself I guess.

I feel what you're saying about the mental health specialist. I felt the same way when I did CBT (which was useless for me btw).

I wish there was a pill for this and I too feel your pain.

07-03-18, 15:05
I can +1 to everything you said here! Feels like I'm looking into a mirror. I'm a software developer and for 10 hours a day I'm meant to be coding, testing and building. I'm honestly about 30 hours behind schedule now because of HA. I am my own boss so I have nobody shouting at me to get work done. That's the downside of working for yourself I guess.

I feel what you're saying about the mental health specialist. I felt the same way when I did CBT (which was useless for me btw).

I wish there was a pill for this and I too feel your pain.I can relate to you and your worries... I really can and I wish I could do more than just tell you that I feel the same way, but I can't [emoji17] here's hoping that we can somehow get out if this cycle! Not sure about you, but I've been this way for at last 10 years.. I didn't have any triggers, no tragic life events etc. Just sort the way my mind works I think! I've a really analytical mind as I'm an IT Professional (which I imagine you may have too given your job) which means we over analyse our personal lives and health the way we would a problem with our work... It's great knowing that this could be the cause, but God knows how to stop the HA [emoji17]

I've another appointment with my ENT next week about my throat issue but I think he's ready to declare that he can't find anything and I should just wait it out.. I've already assumed this is what hes going to say therefore I'm already worrying about what I can do next

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07-03-18, 15:12
my wife. all day, every day

07-03-18, 17:22
Not sure about you, but I've been this way for at last 10 years.. I didn't have any triggers, no tragic life events etc. Just sort the way my mind works I think!

15 years here :(

I've a really analytical mind as I'm an IT Professional (which I imagine you may have too given your job) which means we over analyse our personal lives and health the way we would a problem with our work... It's great knowing that this could be the cause, but God knows how to stop the HA [emoji17]

Same here too ha ha. I have Aspergers so it sort of comes with that. Have you been tested for that by any chance?

I've another appointment with my ENT next week about my throat issue but I think he's ready to declare that he can't find anything and I should just wait it out.. I've already assumed this is what hes going to say therefore I'm already worrying about what I can do next


I think a lot of problems for people with HA is trust. For me definitely. I don't trust what I'm told ... or I do trust it but I think they made a mistake. And like you say, over time that thought eats away at you until you fully believe there's a problem.

I've had many issues myself with having odd feelings in my throat. Sort of like when a crisp gets stuck, or a bone. But I don't obsess over it. The only reason why I don't obsess is because I have a priority hierarchy and I have other "more serious" worries to obsess over. I write this as an observer of myself, it's just a shame I can't take my own advice.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

my wife. all day, every day


I know that feeling!

07-03-18, 17:35
15 years here :(

Same here too ha ha. I have Aspergers so it sort of comes with that. Have you been tested for that by any chance?


I think a lot of problems for people with HA is trust. For me definitely. I don't trust what I'm told ... or I do trust it but I think they made a mistake. And like you say, over time that thought eats away at you until you fully believe there's a problem.

I've had many issues myself with having odd feelings in my throat. Sort of like when a crisp gets stuck, or a bone. But I don't obsess over it. The only reason why I don't obsess is because I have a priority hierarchy and I have other "more serious" worries to obsess over. I write this as an observer of myself, it's just a shame I can't take my own advice.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------


I know that feeling!

15 Years! Yikes!! :( I'm sure I'll still be facing HA in another 5 years also, hopefully for you it doesn't affect you every day and only every few months (for a limited amount of time).

I haven't actually been tested for that, I'm very confident in most social situations, I just prefer to NOT be in them ha. However I do feel like I have a mild autism...But don't worry, I'm not going to self diagnose myself with it! Haha. I just plan all outcomes of all situations (or try too) and this can sometimes lead me to trying to control or create these situations..Almost like my way of coping is to take control of all situations...I dunno haha.

Yup! I feel we aren't alone in that and most with HA have troubles trusting what they're told...with me, it feeds into the control thing...I haven't SEEN what they're telling me, so how can I trust that what they have/haven't seen is correct?

Yeah, that sort of feels like what I have ATM, but there's nothing there according to the ENT...but it constantly feels like there's something I need to clear and i feel stinging and burning in my neck also sometimes when I eat...but the ENT said he saw nothing..

Hahaha see, you seem rationale! A lot of people aren't like that at all and it's like they refuse to believe they are making these issues up, even when there may be a solid foundation for their worries (real symptoms). But like me, you are able to see this and know what you should and shouldn't do and know when you're blowing something out of proportion...but can't do anything about it :(

07-03-18, 17:46
It's exactly that yes! I also feel that at times I am totally irrational in both my thoughts and actions. It spills over into life sometimes. This means there could be periods where I will truly believe the worst in anything however absurd it is. These irrational thoughts can last a couple of minutes, to hours, even days sometimes. Which, leads to control for me. You mentioned control. I am exactly the same. If I feel I am not in control of a situation that's when things spiral. Not being in control then leads to the irrational thoughts. I believe it's a chemical imbalance. Has to be because no CBT/therapy helps at all.

If that makes sense lol!

07-03-18, 17:53
It's exactly that yes! I also feel that at times I am totally irrational in both my thoughts and actions. It spills over into life sometimes. This means there could be periods where I will truly believe the worst in anything however absurd it is. These irrational thoughts can last a couple of minutes, to hours, even days sometimes. Which, leads to control for me. You mentioned control. I am exactly the same. If I feel I am not in control of a situation that's when things spiral. Not being in control then leads to the irrational thoughts. I believe it's a chemical imbalance. Has to be because no CBT/therapy helps at all.

If that makes sense lol!

The weird thing is.. That does make sense! I see you're having trouble explaining what you mean, but I'm the same...but I do understand where you're coming from.

I actually have some crazy thoughts at times, like really weird ones! Now I'm a very logical person by nature, I'm not wacky or crazy... Or I don't think I am lol.. But I find myself thinking really weird things! For example, I'm an outgoing person, I am up for anything and I'm always out and about so I'm not worried about getting hurt doing an activity or something like that. However, once I was asked to go paintballing, now I've been paintballing before, no issues! Loved it. But since I've started to worry about things more and more, my mindset changed when I was asked to go again, I found myself worrying about the most mental thing, I was worried that I'd fall onto a needle which could have been under the grass or in the dirt and end up with HIV... I mean I know that's absolutely mental! Yet I was genuinely worried about to and I declined the invitation!

I worry about crazy things like this all the time, sometimes they affect me (like above, I wasn't willing to go paintballing) and sometimes they don't.

I'm telling you the above story because it's the only way I can explain the way I am without being able to actually explain it hahaha. You may or may not be the same, but I felt like you kind of could be hence the little story lol

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07-03-18, 18:21
The weird thing is.. That does make sense! I see you're having trouble explaining what you mean, but I'm the same...but I do understand where you're coming from.

I actually have some crazy thoughts at times, like really weird ones! Now I'm a very logical person by nature, I'm not wacky or crazy... Or I don't think I am lol.. But I find myself thinking really weird things! For example, I'm an outgoing person, I am up for anything and I'm always out and about so I'm not worried about getting hurt doing an activity or something like that. However, once I was asked to go paintballing, now I've been paintballing before, no issues! Loved it. But since I've started to worry about things more and more, my mindset changed when I was asked to go again, I found myself worrying about the most mental thing, I was worried that I'd fall onto a needle which could have been under the grass or in the dirt and end up with HIV... I mean I know that's absolutely mental! Yet I was genuinely worried about to and I declined the invitation!

I worry about crazy things like this all the time, sometimes they affect me (like above, I wasn't willing to go paintballing) and sometimes they don't.

I'm telling you the above story because it's the only way I can explain the way I am without being able to actually explain it hahaha. You may or may not be the same, but I felt like you kind of could be hence the little story lol

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This is freaking me out because you're honestly describing me here. I've never met anyone that "gets it", thus I assume my anxiety is different to everybody else.

Your paintballing anxiety sounds exactly similar to many I have had. I used to go to theme parks a lot and loved the roller coasters. But, I convinced myself I would have a heart attack and die on the ride so it's better I don't. I don't visit theme parks anymore because of that fear.

A lot of my fear is of having a heart attack. It's so crazy. This has been my main HA fear since my HA started. Imagine living 15 years with the same fear most days? I am not kidding when I say I have probably had about 100 days in 15 years where I haven't told myself "today is the day you will discover you have a heart problem".

It's f**ked lol.

07-03-18, 18:43
This is freaking me out because you're honestly describing me here. I've never met anyone that "gets it", thus I assume my anxiety is different to everybody else.

Your paintballing anxiety sounds exactly similar to many I have had. I used to go to theme parks a lot and loved the roller coasters. But, I convinced myself I would have a heart attack and die on the ride so it's better I don't. I don't visit theme parks anymore because of that fear.

A lot of my fear is of having a heart attack. It's so crazy. This has been my main HA fear since my HA started. Imagine living 15 years with the same fear most days? I am not kidding when I say I have probably had about 100 days in 15 years where I haven't told myself "today is the day you will discover you have a heart problem".

It's f**ked lol.Okay that is pretty weird! Even as I was typing my story, I was thinking you'd not understand and you'd just say that you worried once about getting hit by a car and that was about the extent of it... But no! You really do get what I'm saying also! I feel slightly reassured knowing I'm not the only one! Ha.

I didn't even share this with the mental health specialist as I wasn't sure if I was extra weird in the head and I thought they would try and section me or something! Haha.

I mean all my worries are harmless, just weird! And the funny thing is, I know this and I recognise their oddity and I even laugh it off at times.. But it always happens! I don't try and dig into situations and find something to worry about, it just comes into my head.

Think the only different is that your health anxiety is linked into your general worries (I say general, but I mean the weird worries we've discussed ha) in quite a specific way... As in you're worried about one specific health issues but worth about multiple different things causing this problem (the heart attack you mentioned)... But tbh, all of my worries are about getting some form of cancer, so probably very similar to your concerns really.

I will say that yours does seem a tad worse than mine as you've said you worry almost every day and have done for the past 15 years. Mine does let up for a month or two each year but I understand how awful it is, it's mentally exhausting... Couple these worries with a stressful, more than full-time job which we both seem to have and it's a wonder we keep to together as well as we do! Ha

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07-03-18, 22:39
Everything lol.

I have ovarian cysts, which are causing me pelvic pain - must be cancer.
My bowels are a bit off - probably cancer.
I have a headache - tumors
A rash near my boob - that could only mean breast cancer
A bruise that won’t heal as quickly as I’d like - blood cancer
Pinch a nerve in my back - probably heart failure or potentially ALS.

Literally everything. It’s exhausting.

My cousin was recently diagnosed with one of my current HA fears and has 3 weeks to 3 months to live. So that’s sent me into quite the panic.

07-03-18, 23:05
I only have HA and anything about cancer sparks my interest. I feel that I have to be hyper-vigilant to stay safe (and in control). I know the terrible doubts, anxiety and depression that so many fellow sufferers have felt. I've had lots of stress in my life.

My fears stem from growing up with a personality disordered mother with paranoid delusions. I was the eldest child, my brother has HA too but not as bad as I do. My HA was exacerbated by having autoimmune conditions which can have symptoms similar to cancer and neurological illnesses.

I'm a work in progress so have got a lot better at nipping anxiety in the bud and replacing the negative, often irrational fears with positive thoughts. I'm also very analytical and still working it out at 61 !

08-03-18, 04:08
What's with all the IT people? I'm another IT person as well.

I think a lot of problems for people with HA is trust.[COLOR="blue"]

Whoa, I just said this to my therapist yesterday. She was asking me if I could come up with all the reasons that my symptoms weren't serious, or what else they might be, and of course I could, and then she asked why that didn't help me? I said because I don't trust myself. I don't trust my own judgment, so I have to check with a doctor to make sure my idea makes sense.

I agree the Daily Mail is something us HA people should stay away from!

For me my biggest triggers are health related things happening to people around me, and to myself, of course. Unfortunately over the last few years four of my co-workers have developed cancer, plus one one of their children. In addition, we've had two other people who are connected with our company, although not employees, who also developed cancer. And also one of my former co-workers. We even lost one of my doctors unexpectedly this winter! It has been downright scary for everybody, but particularly stressful for somebody as anxiety prone as me.

08-03-18, 08:12
Yeesh I feel almost left out for not working in IT :scared15: :D

I'm only 18 but I honestly have convinced myself time and time again everything that happens to me must be cancer. Lumps? Cancer! Skin discolouring? Cancer! Unexplained pain? Cancer!!! I blame my easy access to the internet to misdiagnose me. When I was probably 11 I was dead convinced I had breast cancer, and this past year I've thought I have a damn near impossible sarcoma and ovarian cancer, both ridiculously rare and unlikely. Of course... I think that must be the answer.

08-03-18, 09:53
Yeesh I feel almost left out for not working in IT :scared15: :D

I'm only 18 but I honestly have convinced myself time and time again everything that happens to me must be cancer. Lumps? Cancer! Skin discolouring? Cancer! Unexplained pain? Cancer!!! I blame my easy access to the internet to misdiagnose me. When I was probably 11 I was dead convinced I had breast cancer, and this past year I've thought I have a damn near impossible sarcoma and ovarian cancer, both ridiculously rare and unlikely. Of course... I think that must be the answer.I'm the same as you! Not sure if that helps you bit I guess you already know you weren't alone in your worries.

I too have convinced myself time and time again thay every illness I've had was the start of Cancer... But I cope really well at first, its when I've got the illness 2 months down the line that my mind rules out the more common things that should have gone wash after a week or two and starts to tell me that the only thing left that I can have is cancer.

Then you read all the articles online where people have been for tests, weren't happy with the results (as I'm not) even when the results are a resounding "you're fine, still worrying". They then go for a second, third or maybe a fourth set of tests and are eventually diagnosed with cancer that the first three people and sets of tests missed! That's the stuff that then really sets of my panicking and I pretty much start to plan my own funeral then [emoji17]

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08-03-18, 10:36
Reading articles that GPs got it wrong (my old favourite which was Daily Mail online) Every lump, bump, symptom etc I feel or get must be serious, automatic I think every lump is cancer or sign, and not think sense.

When I got told I have cysts down there I still worry a lot

08-03-18, 10:47
Reading articles that GPs got it wrong (my old favourite which was Daily Mail online) Every lump, bump, symptom etc I feel or get must be serious, automatic I think every lump is cancer or sign, and not think sense.

When I got told I have cysts down there I still worry a lotYep, if I do end up Googling my issues (I know I shouldn't) I always make sure to snood the tabloid sites!

Yanno what, if I I was told what my issue was, even if its a lump that's benign or something they can't get rid of... I'd be happy! With my current issue that's got me thinking I'm 2 months from the coffin, the doctor hasn't found anything amiss! All clear! I'm not making this issue up though... That's when I start to panic and think something has been missed

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08-03-18, 17:21
I can't relate enough!! There was about 3 months I had constant abdomen pain in my left side, yet doctors couldn't see anything. I was convinced it had to be ovarian cancer since I read a lot about ultrasounds not picking up the tumours etc. My current worry is a lump that the doctor did an ultrasound for and came to the conclusion she has no idea what it is. Of course, that doesn't mean it must be dangerous, but my brain is convinced that there is no other possihle explaination. The internet for some reason tries to make us not trust our doctors, but if we can't trust them, who can we trust with our health related issues?

08-03-18, 20:30
Overhearing things, someone who my Nan and Grandad know got recently told from their blood test and other tests has leukemia. which made my Grandad go the GP about a bruise on his leg (his bruise is from his diabetes)

I have not been to the GP this year. but worried about my health a lot, I avoid now things like newspapers articles because I automaic get the symptoms and signs and will run down the GP for tests.