View Full Version : Anxiety overwhelming me

07-03-18, 18:51
Feeling terribly anxious right now. I was fine earlier today. Don't want to tell hubby in case he worries.

I know I'm getting super anxious because
- I feel very shaky
- I have pins and needles in my head
- I'm wringing my hands (seems to be a new thing I've developed recently)
- It's hard to concentrate

Current things I am worrying over:

- test results from my operation just over 2 weeks ago (I come home worried in case there's a letter, then worried when there isn't a letter)

- I can't ring the doctors to ask if the results are back cos that will probably trigger something bad to happen :wacko:

- if my arm is ok (still have problems with veins since cannula)

- whether my manager is happy with my work

- whether the title of this thread is ok (I tried several different ones, couldn't decide)

- whether I'll annoy anyone on here by posting again

- whether my ocd is getting worse (it's so hard to 'break away' from checking things at times, and I'm having worries like if I change my desktop wallpaper something bad will happen or if I listen to the wrong song, or something. is that ocd?

- various household things (vet appointment for dog, will we run out of oil before we get more delivered, is it going to snow again, etc)


08-03-18, 10:12
I actually think it's really great that you're so aware of yourself and your patterns.
The title is good I think because it gets straight to the point so that's one thing off your list! :yesyes:
Those things you mention do sound like OCD traits but I wouldn't worry about it getting worse because sometimes things get more tricky for a while but then seem to fade away again.
I hope that things get easier for you, remember to take care of yourself when you can

08-03-18, 18:13
Thanks Vicky, I really appreciate you replying.

Today wasn't brilliant - got home to find a pile of letters (first time the post has been since the snow). Three were obvious hospital/doctor letters.

My anxiety increased with each one I opened, expecting them to be the test results I've been waiting on, expecting the worst, and as I read each one and found it wasn't test results my anxiety got even worse cos I expected the next one to be the results.

By the time I'd read all three, I don't know, it seems like the higher my level of anxiety gets, the longer it takes me to 'come down' afterwards.

And I still don't have my test results.

And... one of the letters was about a hospital appointment I was supposed to have in April, (related to the problems I'm having tests for). But, "due to unforseen circumstances" my appointment has been put back... till September! :mad:

My anxiety is clearly here to stay. I cant' stop being anxious until these medical problems are sorted, and they've been going on since last June as it is :weep:

08-03-18, 18:41
I hate that feeling that anxiety is overwhelming you. I’m so sorry that it’s reached that point.

I liked the way you bullet pointed everything, it’s the same way I write in my anxiety diary. Do you use a diary? I find it really helpful to record my thoughts. It’s hard to do though, I was originally quite scared of making it all “real” by writing it down.

Also, at this point you need to find some ways to pause. So, starting the day with stretching, breathing exercises, positive affirmations might be good. Practicing those breathing exercise through the day.
Take a long bath (take two!), drink some chamomile tea, phone a friend, take a walk amongst nature.
These things will help.


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