View Full Version : Back pain or Kidney Pain...?

07-03-18, 19:13

This Is my first time posting here and I would really appreciate some feedback... :weep:

About 1 week ago I started getting some weird back pain on my right side low back. I would feel it upon rising from my seat or sitting down in the toilet as well as certain movements. The pain I would describe as a mild sharp/shooting.

About 2 days Ago I stared feeling in run down my Right buttocks...so I assumed it's back pain like a pinched nerve or such.

But Now I'm getting really scared...TMI the next part...

Last night was the 1st night after this back pain started that I had sex with BF, It was ok in the beginning but after like 20 min or so I started experiencing sharper pain and it spread to my like groin area...I had to stop.

It lasted for about 10-15 min, I went to sleep and woke up ok today.

But now I'm feeling really worried. I don't want this to get worse..

I also have a problem, I'm a heavy drinker...I kinda stopped now but I was before...I'm scared of liver, kidney or pancreatic cancer...I guess that's what i'm fearing the most...even Ovarian or cervical cancer are running through my head.

I have made it a mission to go to the Urgent care after work today, which is HOURS from now. I don't have actual health insurance either so IDK what kinda tests they'll charge me for....

I'm TRYING not to freak out but this is THE ONLY thing on my mind....

Anyone else ever experienced this?

08-03-18, 02:52
How did the urgent care visit go? I would expect that they'll do a quick physical exam and maybe a urine check to to rule out a UTI, based on my experience, so nothing too expensive. I suspect they'll tell you it's muscular, though, sounds very much like that.