View Full Version : Odd sleeping sensation

07-03-18, 23:16
Hi there.

A new thing for me. Lately (over the last few weeks), I've been experiencing this weird sensation when I try to go to sleep, it's hard to explain, I feel like I lay down, close my eyes, drift into some sort of dream but at the same time I'm aware that I'm awake as I can feel my surroundings etc, and then suddenly I jolt fully awake, heart racing & feeling a bit dizzy. It's a really odd sensation. It definitely isn't sleep paralysis as I've had that in the past, this is a more blurred sort of line, so I'm dreaming, but at the same time, I'm not fully asleep & can still move body parts etc. Feels like an odd mental distorted line between being awake and being asleep, doesn't last long before I suddenly burst into full wakefulness and in a bit of a panic.

Does anyone else get this? Should I tell my Doctor or will he just say it's anxiety?

08-03-18, 02:17
This is something that I have been dealing with only for a couple of months. I have had anxiety and panic attacks before, but nothing like what I have been feeling lately. I honestly thought I was having a series of mini strokes.... it's terrifying. I am exhausted all day and then when I try to sleep, I feel like I'm dying. My fingers get tingly, It feels like the floor is dropping out from under me and then a huge burst of adrenaline and tingling all over my body. Last night I counted 17 times that happened before I apparently fell asleep. It's so awful. I hate that other people r feeling this, but It is reassuring to know that I'm notalone.

08-03-18, 02:21
It's a very common anxiety symptom to see on here. The sleep stages you are in mean you can experience many sleep phenomena and there jerks & jolts are a common one. They are well defined as occurring in the Hypnagogic & Hypnopompic stages of sleep and whilst anxiety doesn't cause them, it is known to intensify them.

I went through them too, as have many others on here, and I've always found these sorts of these go as your overall anxiety levels come down.