View Full Version : Scared and Terrified: Brain Tumour anxiety

08-03-18, 02:17
Hi Everyone,

I'm new here but I have been lurking for awhile now.

Over the last 6 weeks I've had a very hard time. Earlier this year I thought that I had congestive heart failure because I had a swollen ankle that took longer than usual to heal. After that I became obsessed about a mysterious lump I've had for years but never had checked out, so I spoke with my doctor about it and after getting blood work and an ultra sound it was all good.

Now over the last 3-4 weeks I've been freaking about about having a brain tumour. It started with me noticing that my vision was slightly blurry. So I began freaking out about that and I thought I was having double vision, etc, but I wasn't. Next I began to feel dizzy and off balance, like I was walking on a bouncing castle. At this point I spoke to my doctor and told her everything that had been going on. I'm a very anxious person. I have been taking amitriptyline for years to help me sleep because I had terrible insomnia and my job involved operating a lot of heavy equipment. So I started taking that. I then went back to school and developed a lot of anxiety about jobs and grades, etc, so bad that I actually deferred two of my final exams to the summer.

I told my doctor all of this and she decided to try me on an SSRI. I have started taking Setraline (also known as Zoloft I believe). I started off on 25 mg and then I went up to 50 mg after a week. That was 3 days ago.

The last couple weeks or so I've been hyper focused on whether or not I have jerking or twitching. Sometimes it feels like my like jerks or twitches a bit. However, in the last two days I've had a couple of twitches where I twitch and then its followed by a warmth sensation and also by what feels like an enhanced taste in my mouth (although both times I was drinking bitter tea and blue gatorade). I had no issues of feeling confused and not knowing where I was or anything like that. However, I was still spooked. This all occurred after I had read about focal seizures and what they can feel like.

So being a panicker I spoke to a pharmacist who said that sometimes reactions like this can happen. I also spoke with my doctor who said I should stop cold turkey and we should try a different medication. When I communicated my fear of brain tumours she suggested I could get a CT scan which really spiked my anxiety ten fold, the thought of going for one.

I'd like to point out that any dizziness/off balance feelings I had disappeared once I developed a fear of seizures.

I'm really scared I'll have reactions still and I'll go in for a CT scan and I'll only have 10 months to live.....