View Full Version : Help me please - see no way out of this mistake

08-03-18, 13:04
Hi All

I was hoping that i could get some assistance here.

In January i left a lovely office (lets call it company A) where i knew lots and lots of people and had many friends . I had flexibility and a very good salary.

My head was turned by a recruiter and i accepted a position (Company B) for a much higher salary in a very small office even though i knew deep down that i would not like the position and it wouldn't suit me

The second i walked into the office i knew i had made a mistake and fell into a deep depression. I also became very obsessed with surfing the web looking for a way out

6 weeks after that i got offered a new position (Company C) on about 10k less than i made in my initial position and i jumped at it. Now i am in that position and i am just filled with regret. The team is nice and the people are friendly but i just cannot forgive myself for going back 10k in my salary and affecting my family negatively. I cry all the time and just cannot get to grips with it. Whats worse is that at the same time i accepted this position i got offered a new position with my original employer (Company A) but turned it down because the start date was in a few weeks and i felt that i just could not stay in the workplace where i hated for even another few weeks.

I feel like i have made huge mistakes and i cannot move forward. Our lives are negatively affected and we still have plenty to live on . My wife is ok about the whole thing, she thinks that i made a mistake but says lets move on but i just cant....

09-03-18, 17:18
Good advice. Move on. We make choices and we have to accept and live with those choices. Regret will not make anything better. Regardless of where you are, do your best and apply yourself. It may be a necessary stepping stone to something bigger in your life. Not all things that appear to be bad are necessarily so. The Universe works in mysterious ways, but in order for the magic to work you have to be willing to accept the now and be ready for the future. You think you made the choice, but it might have been made for you. Figure out the lesson, learn it and then watch the change happen.

09-03-18, 20:41
Yes, move on.
Or, contact your original company and ask them to keep you in mind for any other opportunities.

But for now, try and make the best of it. I’ve been in a job I dislike for a year now. I do try and find the positives, and I really like the people there. It’s all about what you make it.

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