View Full Version : completely new here + my anxiety life story

08-03-18, 15:23
hi, never really visited this site before today after having yet another anxiety attack over my health, ill try to explain my anxiety "backstory" here
(please excuse any typos i may make, im writing this on my phone and i have big thumbs ^^;)

tl;dr is at the bottom

ive been suffering from generalized and social anxiety nearly all my life (i am turning 19 this year) and along the way picked up depression as well as hashimotis thyroiditis, possibly ocd, and other things i havent yet put a name to. i also have adhd (^:

medications im taking at the moment are lexapro and welbutrin. the lexapro did wonders for my social anxiety but lately my anxiety and perhaps mental health in general have been getting worse. i was taken off lexapro (as well as my adhd meds) by my previous psychiatrist out of concern with health issues i was having at the time, and then put me on prozac, which did absolutely nothing for me and i was miserable the whole time. so now i am back on lexapro again

(cancer trigger warning for this paragraph)
a few years ago my father passed away from brain cancer and the ~1 year long experience of his illness deeply traumatized me. this past year my mother also was diagnosed with colon cancer (and a heart attack scare a few months earlier, followed by me being diagnosed with a thyroid disease) and a close friend of many years was also diagnosed with intestinal cancer. (thankfully my friend seems to be doing well at the moment and my mom is in remission. yay!!!)

my fathers side of the family has a history of hypochondria, and the above events greatly exacerbated my health anxiety which doesnt help with the hypochondria either lol. lately my health anxiety has been getting worse and worse and its been terribly stressful and has made the depression ive been dealing with for years harder to work past. every little unexplained bodily phenomenon i have makes my mind race with all the possible things that could be wrong (especially cancer) and its becoming unbearable. i plan to start college later this year and would also like to get a job as well as my drivers license (im incredibly anxious about driving as well) so hopefully i can find some answers and advice here to help me stop living in fear and move on in my life.

tl;dr : my health anxiety has been getting really bad and interfering with my recovery from depression and making it hard to move on in my life and im hoping to find some help here

thanks for reading my abridged life story here (this isnt even the half of all the crazy stuff i have and still am going through lol) anyways i hope you have a good day to whoevers reading this!! peace :byebye:

08-03-18, 15:34
Hiya warpy and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-03-18, 14:31
Good Morning warpy.

I really feel for your situation, my gene pool isn't the best either. My father and mother both died from congestive heart failure at the age of 59. I am 55 at the moment, so I half-jokingly say I have four more years left on my warranty. Ironically, I had a massive heart attack two years ago. But before than, I suffered from health anxiety a lot, much like you.

The key to my reducing the health stress was simply letting go. By that I mean, I looked at the situation and came to terms with it. Through mediation and surrounding myself with good people, like here at NMP. I learned to let it go. My advice would be to continue expressing your honest feelings here. Maybe try some meditation there are some great helps in here and online. I hope this helps. Best to you wary on your journey young man.