View Full Version : Weakness right hand. Head pressure/dizziness, popping ears & balance issues.

08-03-18, 20:59
My title pretty much says it all. I am just curious if anyone else has had all of these symptoms at the same time and it turned out to just be anxiety/stress?

At this point I have pretty much convinced myself that I have a brain tumor or MS. I am not able to get in to see a Dr until a few weeks out when my insurance will kick in. These symptoms all started up just a little over a month ago.I am a 36 y/o female and have never had any major health issues prior to these last few months with my body feeling like it's falling apart.

My symptoms are:
* Dizziness
* Strange pressure in my head along with dull headaches. Usually just one side and I can pretty much pinpoint the one exact spot.
* My ears are CONSTANTLY popping. Not just when I yawn or swallow. Popping about 10 times every hour sometimes more. Wakes me from my sleep often.
* My vision has gotten pretty bad. I have an appt with an eye dr next week and I do know that I am nearsighted and need glasses but this has been a dramatic increase in blurred vision.Feels like I can't focus my eyes. I also have dark floaters that I see so many times during the day. They are worse when I am in the sunlight driving in my car.
* I feel off balance and my legs feel almost weak like I have just squatted with heavy weights.
* My memory has been horrible lately as well as being able to focus.
* Extreme fatigue/exhaustion no matter how much I sleep or how early I go to bed.
* This last symptom is the one that is scaring me the most. It's almost as if my right hand doesn't function properly. Normal things like picking up a pen or small objects and it seems like my fingers aren't able to do it naturally. Like I almost have to focus and concentrate on doing it and my hand/fingers feel weak.

Prior to these symptoms starting I had an extremely stressful few months. I had some health issues with my reproductive system that turned out to be benign conditions but I spent months stressing and worrying until I received my results. I also have some major personal stress going on as well.

I plan on going to the Dr and asking for tests to be run but I guess I almost wanted reassurance that there have been others who have suffered from these symptoms and it turned out to be only anxiety. I am so worried because I tell myself if it was just a few of these symptoms it could be stress but because it is ALL of these symptoms the only plausible explanation is the conditions I listed above.
Any insight or thoughts would be so appreciated. I haven't been sleeping well because I have been so worried as to what this could be.