View Full Version : New to NMP

Deep Blue
08-03-18, 21:12
Hi. Although I'm completely new to NMP and posting on a forum I have many years of experience with anxiety & depression.
As long as I can remember I've been a worrier. If I ever woke up without a list of things to fret about and get done I'd worry about what I'd forgotten.
Anxiety became a serious problem, together with depression & panic after 16 years as a teacher. I eventually had to leave. I took antidepressants (mostly dosulepin) from 1994 until last June & also beta blockers for many years..
Since stopping the antidepressants (anxiety had replaced depression as my major problem ) the anxiety as become much worse. I take diazepam very very sparingly only when at my wit's end.
My problem is how to cope with my dreadful stomach symptoms and still try to live my life.
My life changed completely when my husband resigned his paid job and became a lecturer on cruise ships. I used to be 'safe' at home and very rarely left the house on my own.
Now I am 'living the dream' travelling the world. Except it's a nightmare. I have to be smiley and happy and chatty interested and interesting all day. But my anxiety and panic travel with me wherever I go. I'm trying do hard to cope, relaxation, meditation, and Imodium and barely eating but I sometimes can't believe my tummy troubles are just anxiety. Thanks for reading my waffling introduction.

08-03-18, 21:19
Hiya Deep Blue and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-03-18, 21:45
Hello there DeepBlue,

Gosh, the cruise ship thing - is it full-time that you are off sailing about ? Are you ever back at home? That is a huge life change, and to be honest with you I would hate it too. Is your husband aware of the issues ?

Deep Blue
14-03-18, 11:58
HI & thanks for replying, I really appreciate it. It's a huge part of my life now. Back home in 3 days after being away since November. 6 more crises this year, starting again in April. Longest is a month. Next year already have 105 day trip.
Husband is aware. Problem is he loves the life. It is his life (apart from his charity work). I would enjoy it too if I could!
Sat in cabin today as can't get off ship. Only so much imodium can do. Trying every relax/breathe thing.:wacko: