View Full Version : Worried about bats in bushes...

08-03-18, 22:19
Well here I am again... I went a
Whole six months not worrying about this... I’m not anxious yet.. so if we can squelch this now... awesome!

I’m a photographer particularly real estate during the week... So I shoot in People’s homes and outside their homes a lot. Something I’m always careful of is backing up against the bushes, but recently on some really expensive luxury homes I’ve had to almost get in the bushes to get the shots the realtor wants. Do bats hide in bushes is this something I need to worry about or are they more in caves and garages? It’s hard to tell if the scratches or not because I’m literally in the twigs and sticks that are poking into me so even if I were to get bit I wouldn’t know?

Any Thoughts are appreciated

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

These are very dense bushes btw almost like a mass of twigs on the inside covered by leaves on the outside..

08-03-18, 22:34
I'm guessing it's rabies you're scared of?

Rabies is incredibly rare in the USA. Rabies contracted by bats is even rarer.

So you have one very unlikely situation (there are bats in a bush) x another very unlikely situation (one bites you) x another very unlikely situation (the bat has rabies).

Which means you have a vanishingly unlikely situation to be worried about.

08-03-18, 22:43
They don't live in bushes and it's only been a little over three months (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=209911) ;)

Positive thoughts

09-03-18, 01:29
Yeah.. I guess I meant since I seriously worried about it...

There were a few times last year when it started to come back- but nothing like 6 months ago.

And it’s more like.. how do I “forget” all the stuff I read back
When I was in the hole..

I Know it’s unlikely, but back when I was really worried I read that you wouldn’t know if you wee bit...

And I know the bush thing probably as unlikely as well, but one time I read that they can be on there... So it’s more like how do I get over whatever i read when I was in the thick of worrying about this - And not have it rear its ugly head again ?

10-03-18, 22:10
Any tips?

10-03-18, 22:22
....remind yourself....bats don't live in bushes. They just don't.

11-03-18, 01:51
You can come across them in bushes. I once did and a load of them flew out. But getting anywhere near them and making noise would startle them and they would fly away. This was also at night so I suspect they had just settled there as they will in trees because they need to be more secure & higher in the day.

Bats don't come near to us, we are massive possible predators so they will zoom off when they detect us.

12-03-18, 05:09
Uh gosh. I mean I don’t think there were any in there.. if there were they would have have to have not moved... this happened at like 11 in the morning..

14-03-18, 14:39
Uhhh I’ve had a cough and now woke up with a sore
Throat today! Trying not to panic...

22-03-18, 04:57
Okay guys... so I’m teally going in and out of worrying and not worrying about this.. today I’ve had random itching/ ringing all over my body... I’m on allergy medicine... I thought maybe it was something in my clothes... I basically feel
Pinpricks everywhere... I’m trying not to worry but I can’t help it!

22-03-18, 09:48
Are you allergic too bats?:huh:

22-03-18, 15:48
No. I’m just nervous cause I’m
Having nerve tingling and itching sensations randomly all over my body.. and fearing the worst :weep:

22-03-18, 16:11
Sounds like anxiety symptoms to me

22-03-18, 23:37
Uhh I hate this and I feel like my facial muscles and jaw are all tired and sore... I know it’s anxiety but it’s still scary...

16-04-18, 04:29
Hey guys/ me again.. so it’s been almost 6 weeks since, a few days ago I developed a tickle in my throat that has now progressed into full blown respiratory- coughing up stuff, mild fever etc... trying not to panic! Helpful words are appreciated!

---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

I’ve also been experiencing swollen lymph nodes for the past 4 weeks!