View Full Version : SCARED help me

09-03-18, 00:47
I am a nanny and the little boy I watch told me this morning his stomach hurt. He is 3, so I just assumed it was upset. He laid on the couch all day in pain, 99.0 fever. Dad took him to the doc and he puked all in the car. I am going on holiday tomorrow and I AM SO SCARED I am going to get the stomach flu now. I am so annoyed. WHY ME!? I spent the whole day washing my hands until they bleed and bleaching everything.... I am going to let this ruin my weekend.

09-03-18, 17:08
He may just have a 24 hour bug or even be reacting to something he ate. I wouldn't worry about it until (if) you get it (cross that bridge when you come to it). Enjoy your holiday, the positive energy you obtain from the rest will probably boost your immune system anyway. If your not feeling ill, don't spend your mental energy trying to make yourself sick, focus on what you want to do for fun. BTW....Where are you going for the holiday?

09-03-18, 20:43
Don’t worry too much. Stomach bugs in kids can often cause much milder reactions in adults if we catch them. Also, it may have just been a reaction for him.
It’s honestly not worth your time worrying.
I hope the little boy is better soon.

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