View Full Version : Neck Spasm When Yawning? I Could Not Breath!!

09-03-18, 02:33

so basically, this is the 2nd time this has happened to me. It happened about 6 months ago and now again tonight. Basically, when I yawn with my head tilted towards the left and down towards my chest is when this happened both times.

Anyways, I yawn and my throat muscles under the chin and on the left side of my throat contract and literally squeeze together. It's like a cramp you get in your foot except it's in the throat. I can feel my airway closing and I cannot breath. It's so scary and I even made a weird sound. It only last about 10-20 seconds but I literally can feel my airway passage closing and I cannot breath.

I looked this up and found something called Laryngospasm. But, I don't see people saying it is induced by yawning. I am scared it's Laryngospasm though and it seems this has a slight chance of being deadly. But maybe it's just a throat cramp that makes my air way close up? Anyone ever had anything like this? Thanks