View Full Version : Severe energy crash

09-03-18, 06:30
Hi guys and gals,

I have these episodes of severe energy crashes. I feel tired and weak and panicky because I feel like I can’t do a thing. Today I saw myself in the mirror during one of these episodes and I look pale as a ghost and startled. I look awful. It literally feels like I was suddenly shot with a tranquilliser dart or had all the life sucked out of me.

Yet when I go to lay down and sleep when I feel it, I can’t sleep. Now I’m convinced I have heart diseases because my chest can feel heavy with this crash too. I am seeing a cardiologist in a few days. My GP did all my bloods and nothing was found there to explain this.

Does anyone suffer from anything like this? My energy returns in about an hour or less so the doctor ruled out chronic fatigue. I feel like I will pass out but I don’t.

Please help if you relate or know what this is. It has got me stumped.

09-03-18, 08:10
Hi guys and gals,

I have these episodes of severe energy crashes. I feel tired and weak and panicky because I feel like I can’t do a thing. Today I saw myself in the mirror during one of these episodes and I look pale as a ghost and startled. I look awful. It literally feels like I was suddenly shot with a tranquilliser dart or had all the life sucked out of me.

Yet when I go to lay down and sleep when I feel it, I can’t sleep. Now I’m convinced I have heart diseases because my chest can feel heavy with this crash too. I am seeing a cardiologist in a few days. My GP did all my bloods and nothing was found there to explain this.

Does anyone suffer from anything like this? My energy returns in about an hour or less so the doctor ruled out chronic fatigue. I feel like I will pass out but I don’t.

Please help if you relate or know what this is. It has got me stumped.


My first reaction to this was CFS. Although Drs do the blood work, checking the ANA and ENA's, most people with this are sero-negative ie nothing shows up in the bloods. I have CFS so your symptoms are familiar to me. It's good you're seeing a cardiologist to rule out heart issues. Sleep is often affected too, people either sleep heaps or can't sleep. I've found that energy levels can fluctuate sharply just like you say.

Depending on where you live, you could ask to see a rheumatologist who deals with autoimmune conditions.

Make sure you do get enough rest, some fresh air (walking), drink lots of water and try not to get too anxious about things.

09-03-18, 12:49
I had this earlier in the year with anxiety. It would happen to me several times a day. When my anxiety improved a little, it went away. I didn't necessarily feel anxious at the time either, I think it's just a way that the body deals with stress. I have a few friends with CFS and it seems that their fatigue is more persistent and more related to exertion rather than coming out of nowhere like this.

09-03-18, 12:54
I've had this before when I was smoking and drinking alcohol. By 2pm I would crash and burn and feel like all of my energy was zapped out of me. There were times when I'd nap in the afternoon because of it. It was the alcohol, cigarettes, and poor lifestyle choices. I haven't had it happen for a long time.