View Full Version : Pressure in head

09-03-18, 07:17
Hey folks,

I’m kind of freaking out a little and could use some support. The last week or so I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night with a bit of pressure and dizziness in my head (above my left eye in the front of my head) and tingling throughout my extremedies that doesn’t make them feel numb but almost cold like they aren’t receiving blood. But this ‘pressure’ feeling in the one spot in my head only happens when I wake from sleep and am lying down. Once i get up it tends to go away (though the anxiety stays). I keep immediately jumping to blood clot or brain tumour and throughout the day I’m a ball of anxiety.

I went to the doctors yesterday and got some blood work done, now I’m just waiting on the test results. I wasn’t nervous about the results, in fact when I went to bed last night I was sure this was all anxiety related. So when I woke up about 15 minutes ago that’s when I decided to stay in the same position, deal with the building pressure and dizziness and try and push through it (thinking it’s anxiety). But then I just feared for my life. What if it is a clot and I have a stroke, or what if it just kills me? So I got up and now I’m writing this out.

I know it sounds like anxiety “what if this and that”, but the pressure build up in my head is what is really freaking me out. Looking for help to see if anyone else has ever had these symptoms. Anyone else out there similar to me?

Thanks so much

09-03-18, 11:13
Hi Scott,

Reading through your post I suffer from head pressure (not pain - but like a fog or something), dizziness, balance issues and a dull pain in the back of my neck. I tend to get these feelings when in uncomfortable surroundings, at work the brain fog slowly builds during the day to the point of being near unbearable at the end of day.

I have seen doctor / neurologist who have found nothing wrong physically and have recommended a drug for anti-anxiety/depression (apologies, I cannot remember the name of it). Am due to collect this prescription shortly so see how this goes....

The head pressure is awful and makes me feel concerned about potentially blacking out. Does any of this sound familiar ? I feel like this just about every day (other than weekends) drives me mad :mad:

09-03-18, 20:14
Definitely some of those symptoms ring a bell for me. The pressure in my head I used to have at the same level but throughout the day and I can definitely say that was anxiety for me. But this pressure i had last night was frightening. It was like someone was blowing a balloon up in my head and it was getting more and more intense as I stayed in the same position. Finally once I moved it subsided. I find that so scary.

10-03-18, 16:16
Hi, I have been having similar problems to you and I am currently having a really bad HA flair up!

Basically for last two weeks I’ve had awful headache above my left eye. Since then my left temple has become so tender and I constantly have a pressure sensation around the area and over the bridge of my nose and behind my eye!

My nose is not blocked at all.

It has almost felt like the left eye is not seeing as well as the right eye. I have seen my optom and all is fine.

I have been trying to ignore it and put it down to HA.

Then today, I’m came across an article of a poor young lad who had similar symptoms to mine which was misdiagnosed as hay fever and ended up being diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. That poor boy and his family! I desperately hope he is ok.

This has made my HA spike massively and I have of course convinces myself I have the same thing! Isn’t this just the way HA works!

I’m going to see my GP tomorrow and ask to be referrrd for a scan.

When this comes back fine, I am going to try and use this as a lesson that HA causes so many problems and I am going to ask to be referred to someone for help with my HA. It is really spoiling my life at the moment.

HA is tough isn’t it

12-04-18, 01:09
Im having the same symptoms! Do you know what's causing it?

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