View Full Version : Needing to take first steps

09-03-18, 10:53
Hi everyone! This is my first post on this forum.
I've had anxiety for almost 3 years now, since I was 15. It's gotten really bad, all I do now is sit in my house on my own, I have no friends. I've only ever challenged my anxiety once (getting a voluntary job), but I since had to quit that because my anxiety took a turn for the worst. Now that it's only worsening I feel like I need to take the first steps to trying to improve my anxiety! For the social side of my anxiety I want to start with really small steps, the first I can think of is maybe going to the shop on my own, then getting on the bus, then getting on the bus alone, etc. Can anyone think of or share any small steps they took when challenging their social anxiety? Right now I'm in a bad place with it, I don't leave my house unless my parents are with me.
For my constant worry, the first steps I'm trying to start are distracting myself, for example, getting a new hobby, trying to stop my worries when they pop up in my head, trying to do yoga and meditation.
I've also asked my doctor to up my Propanolol which he has.
Do these sound like good first steps? I'd love to hear some of your success stories. I'm trying to feel positive about this!! :yahoo: